
28 October 2010

A Great Work!

Sometime ago I stumbled upon a link to an article on Christian Birth Control Options. The article was written by a Pastor and he summarized the various options that a Christian couple has to consider regarding birth control, distinguishing between no birth control, contraception, and abortion. With five levels of birth control in between, ranging from no birth control to abortion.  
Without going into the detail of his five levels of birth control, I was shocked about the pastor's way of justifying the different kinds of birth control (not from the Bible) and his clear antagonism to people who choose No Birth Control as their “family planning” and how these people are legalistic!  
The most shocking however, was his advice on the use of the birth control pill - level 4 - Potentially Abortive Birth Control

He pointed out that one of the three ways the pill prevent contraception is by thinning and shriveling the lining of the uterus so that it is unable or less able to facilitate the implantation of the newly fertilized egg, thus making it a “potential” abortive birth control. But that being said, he didn’t take a stand against the pill. No, he advised Christian marriage couples to “prayerfully” consider the use of the pill and take an informed decision according to their own conscience and the leading of God the Holy Spirit. By implication, Christian marriage couples may use the birth control pill (that causes abortion) if they felt lead to do so by the Holy Spirit! 

His next level of birth control is level 5 - Abortive Murder.  I quote: "the taking of a human life through the killing of a fertilized egg.  Biblically, it is also known as the sin of murder."

Something is wrong with this picture!  In just the above paragraph he pointed out the birth control pill is potentially abortive, I quote: “it seeks to disrupt the ongoing life of a fertilized egg” but he only advice Christian marriage couples to “prayerfully consider” the use of it, God the Holy Spirit might even allow them to use it...while in the next paragraph he calls killing of a fertilized egg, murder!
I couldn’t help but remember 2 Tim 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” 
I realized how the church bought into the practices of the world, compromising Biblical truths, afraid to offend their followers. The moment we take a stand for Biblical truth we are accused of having no grace and love!  I once read:  The truth will always offend, but is never offensive!  Jesus’ truths offended many! The Biblical truth does offend (the sin in) people!
I got involved in a debate on the blog where I found the link, pointing out Biblical evidence against the use of different birth control methods for Christians and got only opposing replies. While being in the debate, I (again) reevaluated what I believe, why I believe it and my motivations behind my arguments. I also discussed them with Christo, since I never write /comment on a topic concerning Bible truths without his input/approval.
While being in my self evaluation, Christo shared with me one of Dr. John C. Maxwell’s teachings he receives monthly,  on leadership.  This teaching was on “A Great Work”.  There couldn’t have been better timing for me to listen to this  CD. 
What is a Great Work? 

When Mother Theresa wanted to start orphanages in India years ago, her superiors asked her how she would know the work she would do in India is a great work? She answered: “When I can give food, clothes and hold ONE child, it is a great work!” 

A Great work isn’t changing or saving the world, it is making a difference! Even if it is only one by one.
A great work will always have a pull on you and the scars received while doing your great work will never leave you feeling inferior, because it is scars attained in the battle.
Urging women and parents to return to Biblical principles and opposing lies, believed by women and parents, is my great work.  It has a pull on me that I can’t explain to anyone. I know I’m opening myself for scars, but I’m willing to take the chance - the chance to make a difference in one woman’s life, while in the battle!
I believe by opposing the lies on birth control, I can make a difference.  I believe God called Christians to “Be Fruitful and Multiply in their marriage and raise Godly offspring for His glory”, leaving everything up to God and God alone, leaning not on their own understanding, but trusting God!

I want to make a difference for one child! One child who will enter the world, that would most probably not have done so as a result of the lies of Satan to limit family size and ultimately God’s End Time Army! I want one child to give God glory, living out the purpose God had for that child since the foundation of the earth - bringing people to know God, defeating the dark works of Satan, through his/her life!
I do know God’s walk  with every person is at a different level of faith and understanding, but I cannot and will not be silent.  This might just be God’s timing for that person to remove his/her blindness and see the truth!
And this is the motivation behind my blog and everything I am. I will not compromise, I will speak the truth, living a great life, doing a great work, called and enabled by God and God alone!
With sincere love

19 October 2010

Unexpected Blessings!

Friday was such a special, blessed day!
Early in the morning we discovered I’ve won a card making challenge I entered with the sample card I’ve made for Heidi-Mari’s First Blog Anniversary Card Making Challenge. 

It is the most amazing feeling to open a challenge blog and see your name and/or the picture of your card.  I normally feel like someone who dream when I see Heidi-Mari’s name and have to look twice! She has won quite a few challenges until now (she confesses, she still experience an initial shock every time!), so when I saw my own name, I was pleasantly surprised!  I won 3 digital stamps for Heidi-Mari’s digital stamp collection!  
The rest of my Friday was taken up with normal chores, cleaning the house (how is it possible that a house can get so dirty in a week?), doing laundry, taking care of the many needs of my many children, in between home schooling and driving the older children to their extramural activities in the afternoon.  
I also gave little Michael his first haircut!  

Oh! My baby has grown up so quickly and is becoming a little boy.  It felt like yesterday that my baby was born, but he is already 8 months old.  He is developing a personality of his own, but also amazingly share personality traits of his siblings! 

Since he got his first haircut he is even more adorable (if it is possible).  David (turning 4 end of October) will often tell me “Your baby is very cute”  I’m sure you’ll agree when looking at this precious little face!  

Then when Christo came home after work, Friday afternoon, he handed me a parcel.  Now I’m mad about surprises and since I was not expecting anything, it was even more exciting!  I couldn’t find scissors quick enough to open my parcel!   Inside this unexpected gift was a book, 8 rubber wrist bracelets and a very encouraging thank you letter!  

The book:  Nancy Campbell’s newest book ‘100 Days of Blessing’
I couldn’t believe my eyes, for the second time the day! I read about Nancy’s latest book in her  newsletter and decided I just had to have it, but didn’t have the time to order it yet.  What a blessing to receive it as a gift!
While making Daniel asleep that night, I read Day 1 with my LED headlight and already I’ve been blessed!  It was such a powerful message and taking into account the unexpected blessings/rewards I’ve received during the day, it hit home even stronger!  
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
1 Cor 15:58
How easy do we get weary in the very demanding job as a mother!  I almost daily receive e-mails and phone calls from weary mothers! I myself have days that weariness is in every single part of my body! It is no easy job to raise a growing family, with Godly standards, in an ungodly world!  It is a selfless work, serving your family, mostly 24 hours a day, with a joyful spirit, while human strength often cannot keep up the pace! 

Then it is a lowly  job in the eyes of the world - wasting your time and talents!  Often family don’t even understand why you are doing it, giving you moments of heartache and disappointment.  I myself just recently got an unexpected blow from a family member for having so many children, embarrassing them in front of their friends!  
Friends don’t encouraged us in raising our children ourselves, either.  The moment you confess weariness in a moment of weakness, they are quick to tell you they are glad it isn’t their job, they will never manage, they don’t have the patience!  Not very encouraging when you are weary!  
Raising godly children, one need to have a long term vision. Often we don’t feel strong enough for the challenges that lies ahead and fruit or rewards on your hard work is few and far between!

But in 1 Cor 15:58 we read the Lord want us to ‘abound’ in our work for Him!  Where can women find a more valuable work in the eyes of the Lord than caring for the needs of children and train them on His behalf! God also exhort us  not to become weary in doing this work for him - He has a promise with His challenge!  He will be our Rewarder!  
Wow, how encouraged and full of joy and excitement my day ended on Friday, because of my unexpected gifts!  How much more will be our joy and excitement when the Lord returns with our rewards!

To keep going with the work He set before us, we need to renew our minds and think what is important for God!  We need to separate our selves from the thinking of the world and take every thought captive. We need God’s Word in our hearts and minds so we can recall His promises when we get weary!  And to help me with this, I’m so thankful for my rubber wrist bracelets!  

Here is how the Wrist Bracelets where ‘born’ in Nancy’s own words:
When my sister, Kate, was proof-reading my book, 100 Days of Blessing,
I noticed loads of little Post-it Notes sticking to her arm.

"What on earth are you doing, Kate?" I asked.

"There are so many statements in this book that are life-changing. I don't
want to forget them," she replied. "

You should get bracelets with these slogans on them so mothers can look
at them and be reminded of these truths throughout the day," she

It sounded like a pretty good idea to me.

It would be too expensive for mothers to purchase fancy embossed
bracelets so I have printed eight different rubber wrist bands with...
Powerful and Positive affirmations for 

wives and mothers!

The ones currently 

available are:

Over the past few days I constantly wore them on my wrist and were reminded of my high and mighty calling as a mother and wife! 

While writing this posting  I’m wearing I’m a Nation Builder!  What an incredible goal and to see it every time when I look down, it is such a strong reminder!
When I received the bracelets on Friday, I immediately put on ‘I love my Husband’!  It was amazing what effect it had.  My husband was really tired and stressed out when he came home!  On top of worked very hard the whole week, the new DVD player he bought the day before, didn’t put out sound after CJ connected all the wires.  He had to work through the whole system to find the fault and that wasn’t good.  While he had all these challenges, I saw my ‘I love my Husband’-bracelet while I took of the washing from the line, bathed the little ones and did the dishes.  It was just so much easier to encourage and love my husband while he was tired!
Over the weekend I went with 6 of my 8 children to buy summer clothes!  Christo and the two older boys were at the WP Junior Show Jumping Championships.

Heidi-Mari and I had to take the 5 younger children with us! What a challenge!  So I put on “We’re a smiling family” Wow it was so powerful!  Every time when weariness and frustration wanted me to give up on being a loving, smiling, patience mother, I saw my yellow bracelet and I could smile with my children, again! How powerful is the smile of a Mother!
I’m going to wear my bracelets every day and change them as I’m facing challenges, to help me win the everyday battles that come with being a Godly Wife and mother!  My only hope is in the Lord! 
“Father God, please help me to have an abounding attitude as I mother in home - abounding in joy, fun, laughter, nurturing, sweetness, love and wisdom. 

“If I only do what is required of me, I am a slave.  When I do more than is required, I am a free person.”*
* Taken from 100 Days of Blessing
Nancy Campbell
For South African Readers:  I’m going to import these bracelets and Nancy’s 100 Days of Blessings as soon as possible.  I’ll post here when it arrives.
With Love

11 October 2010

Danika Made a Christmas Card

Danika absolutely adores her sister and imitates her in every possible way.
Since Heidi-Mari started her Blog Anniversary Card Making Challenge, I could see Danika wanted to participate as well.
This whole afternoon I helped her to make a Christmas Card. 

I cut the paper and from there she coloured her image and polished and distressed the paper to her heart’s desire!  She enjoyed every second!
Tonight I supervised while she put the card together.
I think she did a fantastic job!  She will give the card to Heidi-Mari to add to the cards she will hand out the week before Christmas at an Old Age Home in Durbanville, South Africa!
Danika entered this card in the following challenges:
Christmas Card with a Twist at Heidi’s Crafts (she has some nice candy to win in celebration of her First Blog Anniversary!)

“X” for Xmas at Alphabet Challenge Blog
What a blessing to have an older sister who can inspire her to become a Daughter for the King!
With Love

10 October 2010

Joy to the World!

My dear daughter got me really challenged during the past week.  
But let me first give some background.
On the 10th of December Heidi-Mari’s crafting blog will be one year old!  She gave thought to a special celebration for weeks! So she came up with a Card Challenge which will run over two months.  Anyone around the world can take part in this challenge.  
I know many of my readers and their girls, here in South Africa, but also in other parts of the world are so creative and talented. I would like to explain how you can take part in this challenge, although you may never have taken part in such a challenge ever before.
Heidi-Mari would like to see Christmas Cards, especially for Senior Citizens. 
You don’t need to have a Christmas stamp, you can draw a Christmas picture or cut out a Christmas picture from a previous Christmas card - be creative!  If you would like to try something new and colour a stamp (like the one I’ve used) you are welcome to e-mail me and I can send you a few Christmas stamps to choose from and use it on your card.
You make the Christmas Card (use as many different papers, lace, ribbon, flowers, charms etc. as you like) and then take a picture of the card. If you have a blog, you write about the card (as I am doing now), put it on your blog and upload a link to your blogposting on Heidi-Mari’s blog.  You need to go to Heidi-Mari’s blog to do the uploading, but it is so easy and you don’t need to register for anything.  Only your name, blog posting address and an e-mail address (which are not publicly displayed) is necessary.
Don’t dismay if you don’t have a blog!  You can send the picture of your card by e-mail and Heidi-Mari will upload your card on her blog.
Now, after you’ve taken a picture of your card, you write a message of blessing inside the card and snail mail the card to Heidi-Mari!  Heidi-Mari with the help of her siblings, plans to take all the cards entered in her challenge, to an Old Age Home a week before Christmas and they will bless the senior citizens with Christmas Cards!   I think this will mean a lot to the sometimes lonely seniors
On the 10th of December, Heidi-Mari’s dad - Christo, her Brother - CJ and me will have the privilege to choose the three top cards and then a winner!  The winner will receive some beautiful candy, which anyone would love to have, even if they don’t make cards, but just scrapbook or like to be creative.

The Candy includes:
25 various hat pins (5 crystal; 10 daisy pearl; 5 stars; 5 pearl drops)
1 packet of pins
1 packet Prima Ribbons
2 packets dotted ribbons
1 packet mixed charms
1 x Me & my Big ideas embellishments
1 x En Marc Ribbon sliders
1 x Ribbon sliders
1 packet 8mm flat backed Pearls
1 packet 4mm flat backed Pearls
1 box multi colored dew drops
3 packets paper flowers (pink, red, blue)
1 Whiff of Joy stamp with foam mounting
Heidi-Mari will send this prize to any place in the world - so don’t hesitate to take part!
Now back to my card!

In previous cards I made, Heidi-Mari coloured the stamps, for me.  But she invited me to be a “Guest Designer” on her blog!  Wow, what a privilege!  So she couldn’t colour my stamp, I had to do it myself.  Heidi-Mari got a beautiful set of Christmas stamps from Whiff of Joy, a month ago.I  merge three different images and used them as one stamp!  Typically me, I need to do it different.
It is Whiff of Joy stamps with images of Mary, baby Jesus and a donkey. They are so beautiful and fit perfectly with my idea of Christmas - All about Jesus!

Then I started to colour them.  Oh my!  I coloured three images before I realized I just had to start the real one, or I would still be busy colouring a ‘test stamp’ and never get to the real stamp!
For the layout of the card, I got some inspiration from Friday Sketchers.

The one pattern paper has Bethlehem stars printed on it and I alternated the rectangle blocks with stripped patterns.

Then I added some ribbon and lace and did some finishing touches with flowers and pearls.  The sentiment, is “Joy to the World” - one of the reasons Jesus came, was to bring us joy!   Not the joy the world is looking for, but inner joy, even in times of trouble and disappointment.

May you all experience the Joy of Jesus - the Jesus who is not a baby anymore; who is not walking the earth anymore; who is not hanging on the cross anymore; but the Jesus that is the Risen King of the Universe, busy preparing a place in heaven for each one who calls upon him to be their King and Saviour! 
You can hop over to Heidi-Mari’s blog and get some inspiration from her card and the other creative cards made specially for her, by some very special Card-Making-Friends from around the world!
I also want to enter this card in the following challenges:  
Jesus is the Reason for the Season at Winter Wonderland Challenge;
Inspiration from Song Title at Allsorts Challenge and of cause the name of my song is "Joy to the World!"
"X" for Xmas at Alphabet Challenge Blog.
Thank you Heidi-Mari for inviting me to make a sample card.
With Love