
12 January 2009

Meet the Lues Family

We are currently a family of 9 members. Daddy - Christo, Mommy - Linnie and 7 beautiful, blessings from the Lord - CJ, Heidi-Mari, Josua, Danika, Andrew, David and Daniel.

On the 30th of March 1991, Christo received a "good thing" and I became his Helper. Prov. 18:22 says, "Whoso findith a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord"

It is my heart's desire to be my husband's delight and please him in every aspect of my life.
This year it will be 18 years that I am learning how I can help my husband in every possible way and honor God by becoming a real help meet to my husband. Prov. 12:4 says, "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband"

CJ is our first born son. He is 14years old and is becoming a young man. A young man that I am proud to call my son and a testimony of the grace of God on parents who are still learning how to train up a child in the ways of the Lord. CJ has been home schooled from his 1st grade and he loves horses.

The day Heidi-Mari was born, I rejoiced in the Lord for giving me a baby girl! Heidi means 'blessing', and that is exactly what this girl of mine is. Heidi-Mari is now 11years old and her mothers right hand in taking care of the little ones and preparing meals for the family. Heidi-Mari absolutely loves ballet and takes ballet classes twice a week.

After Heidi-Mari, we thought our family was complete. (We didn't have any knowledge of God's heart for children.) But I had this deep longing for another baby. I fasted for 40 days in prayer, to seek God's face concerning another baby - before the 40 days were over I was pregnant with Josua. What a joy this baby was in my life!! Josua is now 8 years old and a very special child with a very high calling on his life. He has a very curious mind and loves to visit with his Dad in the Healthshop. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through this bright boy of mine.

During my "unplanned" pregnancy with Danika the Lord started to reveal to us His Heart for children. Praise the Lord for this beautiful little girl! Danika is now 5years old and is walking in the footsteps of her big sister. She can't wait to go to ballet every week and had her 1st ballet concert last year. This morning se changed her baby brothers nappy for the first time, and was so proud. Her biggest wish: to be a mommy!

Andrew was our 1st child after we surrendered my womb to the Lord. Andrew is a Mighty Warrier for the Lord and he is already walking in that calling, although only 3years old. Isn't it precious to see our children blossom in personality and character for the Lord. Andrew is my most obedient child and the Lord is going to do great things through this big giant with the tender heart.

David was born 16 months after Andrew. He has the sweet spirit of David in him. He is also the clown in the house, can make anyone laugh and his eldest brother absolutely adores him. He just wants to be like his big brother, and wants to ride horses. David's 2years is an example of life in abundance!
When I was pregnant with Daniel, we believed I was carrying a girl. What a surprise when this baby boy popped out. He was even wrapped in a pink blanket the 1st hour of his life, until his big sister got out the green blanket. Daniel was our 4th waterbirth baby at home.

I am addicted to babies and Daniel is just a confirmation. Every minute with this baby in my arms is pure joy. He is now 5months old and adorable. There is never a moment that a brother or sister isn't available to entertain this sweet baby.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing about your beautiful family. It's great to be encouraged about how wonderful children are. I have two sweet boys, 3 and 17months, and we just found out we are expecting another baby. Since the beginning of our marriage my husband and I have trusted the Lord and given over our children, and the number of children, to Him. People think we are crazy, but I'm not meant to please people, right?!

    I always enjoyed Above Rubies in the States, and I was so excited to learn I could also receive it here. Thank you for all your work!
