
15 February 2009


God loves feasts! As a family, we love feasts too! On Saturday night we celebrated the love in our family and God's love for us, that He sent His Son to redeem us from sin and gave us eternal life with Him.

Heidi-Mari and Danika made all the decorations for our table and got CJ to help them decorate the room.

Christo led us in Communion, to remind the children of the greatest sacrifice of love Christ made for us.

We had a stir-fry evening and every one enjoyed preparing his own meal.

After our meal, the little ones were very sleepy and they went to watch a video. Christo, the three older children and I laughed and chatted for another hour.

What a blessed evening!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! WOW! Looks very festive and special :)
