
10 March 2009

Above Rubies weekend

This weekend we packed 3 500 Above Rubies magazines to send out to 475 readers throughout South Africa and neighbouring countries. We even rearranged the furniture in the house to have enough space. Christo is very good at organizing a production line and here we are:

Heidi-Mari put the address labels on the envelopes. Josua stuck on the stamps. Christo, Danika and CJ put (1000’s!!) of small tiny stickers at the bottom of page 25 of every one of 4 000 magazines.

Here you can see the piles of Above Rubies ready to be put into the envelopes.

After the magazines have been put into the envelopes, I (with Daniel in the Ergo on my back) update each individual subscriber’s record on the computer. Each Above Rubies Reader has her own address card containing information about everything posted to her since the date of her subscription.
While at the address card, I check on previous information I may have received – maybe a new baby on the way, a baby that is now due, prayer requests or any other news the reader had e-mailed me. I love to know more about each Above Rubies family and value their calls and e-mails very much.

We started on Saturday morning and by Sunday night all the Above Rubies magazines were in envelopes or boxes. Unfortunately we couldn’t send out all at once, since our local post office had only 150 stamps available and we needed 500. We are still waiting for the other 350 stamps, and hope to send out the last envelopes by the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks aan julle ALMAL - Linnie, gee daai kroos en vir manlief almal 'n stywe druk van hierdie "tannie" af.

    Duisend dankies dat julle al die moeite doen, 'n naweek opoffer, vir ons klomp. Ek wens ons het nader gewoon, sodat ons kon kom help.

    Moet erken - toe ek die inskrywing se opskrif sien, dog ek ek het uitgemis op 'n "weekend retreat" of iets soortgelyks... ;D
