
26 April 2009

Celebrating Victory over Death!

Celebrating Jesus' sacrifice for our sins, victory over death and His resurrection, was really special this year. I didn't plan anything until the Monday. Those of you, who know me in real life, will know I’m a very impulsive person and highly goal orientated. When I put my mind to something, everyone else must hold on and try to keep up with my pace. I believe that is a virtue, since that is exactly what I need to follow through with the life God has planned for me, but as you may know, every virtue can be a vice as well. I don't always take all the facts into consideration. My impulsive, persistent personality also makes it hard on my family. But, the Lord gave me my dear husband who is the complete opposite. He will think and think and think again before deciding to do something, but then it would be very well planned. Since he always takes all the facts into account, he is seldom wrong. Isn't it amazing how the Lord can weave together complete opposites and make great things happen because of that exact combination. Never in my life would I have been what I am, without my God given partner. But now I'm totally off the topic.

To come back to our Celebration weekend. On Monday morning I decided that we should make a mini lapbook with the little ones. There were so many websites and ideas, but I really wanted to focus on Jesus and the events of the last week that lead up to His crucifixion. Lapbooklessons had the mini lapbook I was looking for.

On Tuesday night we discussed Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem and Judas’s plan to betray him. On Wednesday night we discussed the last Avon’s meal and Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.

On Thursday night we had a meal of soup and bread and Christo lead us in communion.

We also discussed His scourging, crown of thorns and crucifixion and watched “The Passion of Christ” with the older ones!
On Sunday morning we did a resurrection mini-book.

It was amazing to hear how the little ones; David, Andrew and Danika, remembered every detail of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

Here are the final lapbooks:


  1. Lieflike Lapbooks Linnie!!
    Ek gaan definitief bietjie daar inloer.
    Wens nog steeds ek kon soveel idees uitdink as jul kreatiewe klomp.
    Is Vader se Genade nie oorweldigend groot nie?
    Ek lewer nou sommer op bg post ook kommentaar. CJ Baie Geluk jong...

  2. Baie dankie Marelize! Hier is omtrent groot opgewondenheid in die huis vanaand.
    Wat die kreatiewe idees betref, dit kom maar met die tyd hoor!
