
02 April 2009

Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

This morning we baked some Apple and Cinnamon Muffins.

A friend's daughter was recently been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and they are coming to visit this afternoon. Christo is helping this courageous young mother to manage the blood sugar levels with only natural supplements and NO insulin, and I'm helping a little with the diet. Since she needs a healthy afternoon snack, which digests slowly, to prevent her blood sugar levels from rising to quickly, we decided on the Apple and Cinnamon Muffins. We baked it with Spelt flour (a Bible time grain), rice milk, xylitol (instead of sugar and definitely not an artificial sweetener) and fresh, organic apples. Heidi topped it with ground cinnamon, before putting it in the oven.
Like usual the little ones enjoyed the baking the most! It was the first time Daniel could join in eating out the empty mixing bowl.

The Recipe (makes 6 large muffins):

1 egg. beaten

40 g Xylitol

120 ml rice milk

50 g butter, melted

200 g refined spelt flour

7.5 ml baking powder

pinch of salt

2.5 ml ground cinnamon

2 small organic eating apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped

For the topping: Ground cinnamon

Cook's tip: Do not over mix the muffin mixture - it should be lumpy.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Mix the egg, xylitol, milk and melted butter in a large bowl. Sift in the spelt, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Add the chopped apple and mix roughly. Spoon the mixture into muffin tins. Sprinkle ground cinnamon over muffins. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until well risen and golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.



  1. Linnie,
    Hierdie "spelt" interesseer my geweldig. Is daar saad in SA beskikbaar? Want ek vermoed dat dit, omdat dit 'n koringtipe is, tog ook by ons geplant kan word. Wat noem hulle dit in Afrikaans - of het ons nie 'n naam daarvoor nie? Anders sou ek graag die Wetenskaplike naam wou kry om by kleingraaninstituut in Bethlehem te hoor van die moontlikhede...
    Liefde en baie seën

  2. Marelize, jy kan gerus 'n e-mail stuur na en vir Jandre vra om vir jou besonderhede te gee van waar om grootskaalse spelt-saad te bekom. Jy gaan dit nie by die kleingraaninstituut in Bethlehem kry nie. Dit sal waarskynlik ingevoer moet word. Maar dit sal beslis die moeite werd wees. Spelt is besig om 'n bekende graan in gesondheidskringe te word, en daar is 'n geweldige aanvraag daarvoor. Tans is dit net van Europa beskikbaar.
