
25 May 2009

God visited me!

This past weekend we discovered that life, as we as a family know it, is going to change. We are going to have another baby! Yes! I'm pregnant!

Sometime during the past 5 weeks I was visited by God. In the following scriptures we read that God visited these women to give them conception:

Gen 21:1
“And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived…”
and 1 Sam 2:20-21
 “And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived…”

Wow, God Almighty visited me and put a new soul in my womb. Isn’t that amazing? A soul that will live forever. I can't imagine, that right now, at this very moment, a tiny little human is growing inside me, in the image of God! Over the next 8 months my body will have the privilege of nurturing and protecting this baby while God puts together everything he or she needs to fulfil his or her calling in life! A precious new life that will bring God glory and be part of God's army that will destroy the dark works of the enemy! Wow! Isn't that awesome! It is such a big idea; my mind cannot understand the full meaning of it.

I want to sing like David in Ps 139
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.

For this little person to answer the call on his or her life, the Lord entrusted Christo and I with his or her training. Training in God’s ways. I also cannot comprehend the full meaning of that! How God can entrust a brand new person in the hands of sinful parents, whom themselves are trying to get rid of sin, and fail tremendously in the attempt to do so. Still our almighty God is so gracious and merciful and has so much faith in the good work which He started in us - to become more like Him – that he gave us another baby. What a precious gift! What a privilege.

I got promoted as a mother. I'm not the mother of seven children anymore, I'm now the proud mother of eight children - Wow, I feel like singing and dancing, praising my wonderful God!

Daddy and Josua already bought a blue(?) outfit for our new baby. But Oh! Danika is already praying for months for a baby sister….


  1. Baie gesëend sal julle wees met die byvoeging. Danika moenie ophou bid nie - dit het vir Melissa gewerk! Onthou ook altyd die Here weet watter kindjie om watter tyd by jou gesin toe te voeg. LiefdeGroete

  2. Liewe Petra, my eerste 'blog' gelukwensing - moet wees omdat jy die 'tyd-voordeel' het. Baie dankie vir jou seënwense daar van ander kant die wêreld!

  3. Wow, CONGRATULATIONS Linnie and Christo. That is awesome!! We are so excited for you. Wonderful News

  4. Thank you Karyn.
    Thank you for taking the time to stop by for a visit :-)

  5. Baie baie geluk met jou swangerskap! Ek is skoon opgewonde vir jou part! Wens ons kon saam swanger wees. Alle sterkte, en ek bid vir jou geen naarheid en sooibrand vir die keer, Linnie! Liefde Marilee

  6. Liewe Marilee, ag dit is lekker om jou hier op die plek, waar ek stukkies van my hart deel te sien. Baie dankie vir jou seënwense, veral die deel van die naarheid...! Op die stadium nog niks!!

  7. Dear Linnie. Congratulations. So happy your pregnancy is going better! Keep drinking that water!
    Love Sharon

  8. Dear Sharon, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. It is interesting, the days I drink lots of water I'm doing so well, the days I didn't finish at least 2l, I'm nauseas and have very low blood pressure. Water is amazing!
    Lots of love
