
08 May 2009

Taking Nothing for Granted!

Very early this morning, as I was reading the Word, the house was all quiet, but little Daniel was awake, playing around me on the mattress in his room. I could not resist stopping for a moment to watch my little baby. Everything in him testifies of life, curiosity, joy and love!

I am currently following Kayleigh-Anne's Story
Kayleigh was born 3 months early on June 23, 2008 from severe IUGR and pre-eclampsia. Kayleigh was a fragile 10 ½ inch long and weighed 1pound 1onze. Several doctors were completely amazed that Kayleigh survived the pregnancy, but that was just the beginning of her journey of amazing triumphs as she has overcome the impossible with several major surgeries. After the final surgery, about 3 weeks ago, she was supposed to go home. Going home perfectly, that is. But, something went wrong during the final surgery which caused Kayleigh to not get enough blood and/or oxygen to her brain causing her Cerebral Cortex to be damaged that is now considered to be flat, no waves, not working, or no activity.

Kayleigh's brain stem still functions, allowing her heart to work, breathe and have reactive movements (nothing purposeful). After many, many hours of praying, her injured brain is now deteriorating and cannot repair itself without a miracle.

She's only 5 weeks older than Daniel and it breaks my heart to see pictures of little Kayleigh.

Pictures of such a beautiful little baby girl with empty eyes, knowing she was also supposed to discover her world, just like little Daniel is now, but now there is…. nothing.

How easy we can take the development of our children for granted! At 9 months Daniel had watched his brothers playing with cars.

Now he is pushing a car on the carpet and even makes the right noises. He's crawling, pulling himself up against everything, laughing with his siblings, even plays with his two little brothers on the carpet and gives everyone so much joy!

I started taking it all for granted – my children’s development. I thought it is just supposed to be like this. Danika who taught herself to write her name, Josua who memorized the sequence of the planets in an afternoon, while studying Astronomy! Heidi who can take care of the household almost as well as I can, and CJ the strong young man who can show me shortcuts on the computer and carry out the garbage for me every morning!

This morning, while watching Daniel, I realised, it is all by God's grace! It is only by His grace that I have healthy, normal children and I should never, ever take it for granted.

Next time when you see your children playing or learning with passion, will you praise God? Will you just stop and thank Him from the bottom of your heart for His grace to you and then pray for little Kayleigh and her family, for strength to keep going through this very painful time in their lives.

Today I made a choice to be more thankful for my children.

I will appreciate them, no matter where they are in their development;
I will forget about my own expectations;
I will stop trying to change their personalities;
I will stop making them do things the way I would like it to be done.

I will pray more for them.
I will love them more and more!

There is a beautiful song by Michael W. Smith – Love in His Right Hand

He accepts you at your worst
And He is hoping for the best
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you
He will never ever leave you
And He will never ever forsake you
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you

He is proud of who your are
And He has faith in who you’ll become
He is not like us
He loves you just because
He is not like us
He love you just because

Broken hearted do you want your healing
Oh, trust again their is love in His Right Hand
Oh, trust again there is love in His Right Hand

He believes your dreams are true
And what a plan He has for you
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you
When you want to walk away
He is asking you to stay
Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you

You will never be alone
He makes your heart His loving Home
He is not like us
He loves you just because
He is not like us
He loves you just because

Broken hearted do you want your healing
Oh, trust again their is love in His Right Hand
Oh, trust again there is love in His Right Hand

I shall love them just because...


  1. This is really what I needed to hear today!Thank you for the beautifull mother you are!
    I homeschool my 4 children and my baby is autistic. I am very thankfull for your blog,it meant a lot to me today.


  2. Liewe Sonja
    Dit verskaf my groot vreugde dat my blog jou bemoedig. Dankie vir jou kommentaar en die tyd wat jy neem om hier te kuier.
    Ons ken Autistiese kindertjies, Christo sien tientalle Autistiese kinders weekliks in ons gesondheidswinkel en dit verskaf hom soveel vreugde om hul te sien ontwikkel onder natuurlike medikasie en dieet.
    Ek hoop ons gesels nog baie. Ek gaan loer by jou blog.
    Liefdegroete Linnie
