
16 September 2009

Milktart for CJ - We are proud of you!

This past weekend, CJ took part in his first, Graded Three Phase Horse Jumping Event, over two days, at the Stellenbosh District Riding Club. For Graded Events he needed a formal horse riding outfit. When he put on his outfit on Friday night, to make sure everything is right and ready, I realized my son has grown up! I was making Daniel asleep and as I came out of his room, this young man was standing in my bedroom – it was quite a shock – me still attending to little babies, but also having this young man for a son!

The first phase of this event was a Dressage test on Silverball. CJ had never before done dressage, let alone a dressage test, so we took him for some extra lessons with his instructor during the past week. I would never have had the confidence my son had to do this test with only two or three lessons the week before, but that is his spirit. I believe his confidence, is the fruit of being home schooled. CJ knows we believe in him, he has a positive self esteem - not broken down by pears and teachers. He knows God gave him this talent and is part of his calling in life.

Saturday was a beautiful, spring day, with no wind and a clear sky! Nine O’clock he performed the dressage test. He actually did very well for a first attempt, but needs some more practice and training.

The second phase was the show jumping. He competed in the Pre Novice Class at 90 cm jumps. It was so good to see how CJ had grown in his show jumping over the past year. Very early in the jumping, Silverball showed signs of refusing a jump, but CJ handled it perfectly and got Silverball over the jump. Unfortunately he refused another jump and CJ got 4 penalties.

The last phase, the cross country was the next day. Cross country is CJ’s favourite. He loves to give Silverball the reigns and Silverball just goes for it! This course was into the woods and 2 km long – CJ has never done such a long course, or even into the woods. On Saturday afternoon the participants were allowed to walk the course (without their horses) and familiarize themselves with the jumps. There was also a time limit of 470 meters per minute for finishing the 17 jumping efforts. Thus, to qualify for a win, he didn’t only need to finish a clear round (no refusals or kick off poles) but also needed to finish in 4 min 15 seconds. Now CJ loves challenges like this and Silverball was the right horse, since he used to be a race horse.

Sunday morning was a miserable, cold, rainy day and I needed to seek extra peace from the Lord, for my child’s safety, as I heard the raindrops on our roof. The woods would be wet and slippery. The Lord just knows how to comfort me, almost immediately after my prayers, a song came into my mind and stayed there the rest of the morning – Great Are Thy Faithfulness! Throughout the morning, every time I became unsettled with fear, I could hear this song and trust in the Lord again.

Since it was such an unfriendly day for little ones to be outside, we decided I would stay at home with them. A huge disappointed for me, but I would be kept up to date by the cell phone and Josua would go along with Dad to support his brother. The previous day, the little ones had such a fun time, playing on the wide open grass and in a dry river bank and I could relax and followed CJ’s performance.

At 11h00 Sunday morning Christo let me know CJ was “under starter’s orders” for the 2km cross country and I could only pray the next 5min.

How thankful I was, when the phone rang within 5 min later and Christo reported CJ was through and safe. He finished in 4 min 19 seconds. There was a special “cool down” arena for the horses and I could speak to my son while he led Silverball

I could hear the excitement in his voice, the adrenaline pumping through his veins, as he told me what an amazing experienced it was to go through the woods, on Silverball’s back. It was only him, Silverball and the woods! He was going so fast, the wind drove tears out of his eyes. I know this is what will make him a man! A man that one day would be fearless in the face of challenges and won’t hesitate to go sleigh a dragon if necessary! The fact that Christo and I will be old before our time, because of worries is beside the point! After all, we will be more holy, in the process of God teaching us to pray and trust more!

At one stage CJ miraculously stayed on top of his horse, when he came down some steps, to fast! It was only God and in His mercy answering our prayers, that kept my son safe! (Christo only afterwards realized he almost captured the moment his son fell off his horse!)

CJ enjoyed every moment of this event and did very well for his first graded competition! He learned a lot and can go practice more. His horse riding is now taken to a next level.

While CJ, Josua and Christo was away Sunday morning, Heidi-Mari and I decided to bake milk tart. CJ wanted to say thank you to his instructor for putting in so much effort in preparing him for this event and we wanted to let CJ know we are so proud of him!

The previous day Christo bought me a decorating pen and I wanted to put it to the test.

Here are our decorated milk tarts!

The little ones, enjoying their milk tart, chocolate decorating and some organic strawberries, we got hold of at the Organic Market in Stellenbosch!

Our Milk Tart recipe - made of Spelt flour and Rice milk (Wheat and Diary Free!)

Milk tart crust:

30 g butter
30 ml xylitol or 30 ml white/brown sugar
2 eggs
10 ml baking powder
180 ml spelt flour or 135 ml plain flour
pinch of salt.
  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C (350 degrees F).
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, cream together butter and xylitol or sugar. (I use my Kenwood)
  3. Add eggs one by one and beat until mixture is smooth.
  4. In a separate bowl, sift together spelt or flour, baking powder, and salt.
  5. Gradually stir flour mixture into egg/butter mixture, until ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  6. Spread mixture with a spoon, into bottom and sides of 2 x 23cm or 9-inch tart dishes.
Milk tart filling:

1 250 ml rice milk or milk
30 g butter
200 ml xyitol or white/brown sugar
100 ml spelt flour or 75 ml plain flour
45 ml cornstarch
3 eggs (separate)
10 ml vanilla essence
pinch of salt
  1. In a large saucepan, combine 1 200 ml of the milk, butter and xylitol or sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then remove from heat.
  2. In a separate bowl (I use my Kenwood), gradually mix together the remaining 50ml milk, flour, cornstarch and yellow yolk until smooth with no lumps.
  3. Add a little of the warm milk/butter/sugar mixture to the egg/flour mixture and mix to form a smooth paste, add to the remaining milk mixture and bring to the boil, stirring continuously until mixture thickens.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla essence.
  5. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form and lightly fold into filling.
  6. Divide the filling evenly between the two tart dishes and bake for 25 - 30 minutes or until set and crust is golden in colour. Remove from heat.
  7. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve at room temperature.
Bon appetite!


  1. Linnie, julle het darem kinders om op trots te wees. CJ, baie geluk. Mag jy sommer baie goeie ritte en kompetisies hê na hierdie eerste een.
    Resep vraag: Kan mens die melktert maak sonder eiers. Ek wil dit graag vegan maak aangesien ek eiers vermy agv galstene. (sommer enige idees hoe om daarvan ontslae te raak sonder operasie of laser?).

  2. Well done CJ - we are very proud of you.
    The "melktert" looks delicious.

  3. Dear Petra
    Thank you!
    You can trust me, the 'melktert' is delicious. Just what you need to remind you of true South African Food!\
    Have a blessed day!
    Lots of love

  4. Liewe Esther, baie dankie vir die seënwense, ek dra dit so oor aan CJ.
    Wat die resep betref, ek het nog nie persoonlik geëksperimenteer sonder eiers nie. Daar is wel eiervervangende produkte in gesondheidswinkels beskikbaar, maar ek weet nie of dit die bindende effek sal hê, wat jy in hierdie geval nodig het om die melktert te laat stol nie.
    Wat jou galstene betref, jy word moontlik aanbeveel om eiers te vermy a.g.v. die vet-inhoud in eiers. Dan moet jy egter alle vet vermy, wat baie ongesond is vir die inneem van essensiële vetsure, wat noodsaaklik is vir 'n balans in hormone.
    Ek sal aanbeveel jy ondersoek 'n produk van Seven-Point-Five - Liver Detoks. 5 Spuite drie maal per dag, vir 'n paar maande, sal die lewer help om die vet te metaboliseer en die vorming van galstene voorkom.
    Hoop dit help.
    Heerlike dag met jou twee, pragtige seuntjies.

  5. Woohoo CJ!!! Well done on a great performance!!!
    From all the Gray Girls

  6. Linnie jou kind lyk PRAGTIG op daai perd en kyk net die ryklere!!! Jy moet sommer die 4de foto van bo af laat vergrooooot dit sal sooo mooi lyk! Ek gaan definitief jou melktert probeer dit lyk baie baie lekker! Ek hou van die pen,ek het nie geweet mens kry so iets nie.

  7. My eerste kuier hier by jou. Dankie vir die resep, ons het 'n vrou in ons selgroep wat nie graan kan eet nie en ek gaan dit beslis vir haar probeer.

  8. Dankie Sonja! Ek wil 'n baie mooi Scrapbook blaai maak van hierdie foto's.
    Christo en Heidi-Mari was Vrydag in Durban en hulle het die pen vandaar gebring. Ek het ook nie geweet mens kan so mooi, sommer in jou eie kombuis maak nie!
    Lekker naweek hou!

  9. Welkom hier by my Sandra! Dankie dat jy die moeite gedoen het om vir my 'n briefie te los. Jy kan gerus na my ander resepte hier op die blog ook kyk. Dit is alles koring-vrye resepte, want nie een in ons gesin kan koring verwerk nie. Ons het ook nog koring-vrye resepte op ons webtuiste
    Let wel: spelt meel, wat ons in al ons resepte in die plek van gewone meel gebruik, is net koring vry en nie totaal gluten vry nie, wel 'n baie lae gluten inhoud.

  10. Dankie Linnie. Ek vermy alle dierlike vette maar neem wel extra virgin coldpress olyfolie in en ook canola olie. Eet ook vars neute waar moontlik, en het ook hierdie week kefir gekry. Drink nou elke dag daarvan vir proteien. Sal op die healthshop se web gaan kyk.

  11. Esther, ek gaan jou antwoord uit my agtergrond van 'n dieetkundige, wat in die grootmaak en versorging van my gesin (allergieë, sinus, miskrame, hiperaktiwiteit, koliek babatjies, ens) besef het byna alles wat 'n Dieetkundig voorstel is ongesond en selfs skadelik vir die liggaam. Hoekom sê ek so? Die dieet wat jy nou volg klink soos die aanbeveling van 'n dieetkundige. In terme van galstene is vet,vet. Maak nie saak of dit dierevet of plantvet is nie. Die inneem van slegs plantvette gaan nie jou geneigdheid tot gastene verhoed nie. Dan is daar nog die gevaar van die nadelige effekte, wat die veranderinge in die plantvetstruktuur, soos dit verwerk word (want jy neem dit nie in die natuurlike vorm in nie) op die liggaam het. Jy is dus net besig om jou liggaam op die lange duur uit te honger deur diere proteïene uit te skakel en dit gaan jou sonder energie laat. Ek gaan altyd weer terug na wat God hiervan sê in Sy Woord. Hy het aan Noag die opdrag gegee om van alles te eet, ook diere proteïene.
    Jy moet egter jou lewer help om die vet te metaboliseer, want die oorsaak lê by jou lewer. Die produk wat ek voorgestel het, bevat 'n spesifieke kruie wat galstene teenwerk. Is ook baie belangrik om ten minste 3 liter water per dag te drink, om galstene te vermy.

  12. Linnie - sê vir CJ ek sê ook BAIE GELUK. Wow dit is fantasties.

  13. Dankie Marelize, ek dra die gelukwensing aan hom oor!
    Ek probeer al heel week kommentaar lewer op jou Dinsdag inskrywing en kry dit net nie reg nie, hoop dit is vanaand deur.
    Lekker week!
