
23 September 2009

My Growing Tummy and Helping Hands!

Over the past week my tummy had grown quiet a bit and I can feel I’m carrying some extra weight! I cannot walk as swift any more and had to be conscious of not waddle like a duck. When I bend down to pick up a toy or clothes, it is more difficult to get up. I now need to put on an apron when doing dishes. I have to leave some space for the tummy against the sink and this growing tummy attracts water drops! Vacuuming the house is also not as quick any more. I can feel the strain on my back. When sitting down I can feel the strain of keeping my posture straight.

But…my children are such a blessing! They help in every possible way to take the strain off me.

These are the pictures that greeted me this morning:

Heidi-Mari folding underwear.

CJ vacuuming the entire house.

Josua organizing all the others to clean the back porch from fire wood.

"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth."

Ps 127:4

Now that I’m getting older and still having babies; I appreciate the babies of my youth so much! Thank you Lord for these Blessings of mine!


  1. Wow, a powerful comment by Emma F. Angell Drake in the sidebar - if only more woman (and men) were aware of this. I pray that God will bless those that endure under difficult circumstances and pressures.

  2. Wat 'n wonderlike voorreg! Linnie waardeer hulle, Vader het jou wonderlik geseën...
    So jaloers - ekke. Maar ek sal geduldig wag... Liefde daar

  3. Hulle is pragtig en die produk van n goeie opvoeding en n wonderlike Hemelse Hand wat seen!Sterkte vir jou!

  4. Amen, vir die wonderlike Hemelse Hand! Ek besef elke dag meer en meer ons afhanklikheid van ons Vader in die grootmaak van hierdie spannetjie.
    Dankie liewe Sonja!
