
01 November 2009

David’s Very Special 3rd Birthday

Everyone was looking forward to David’s birthday! For weeks there was a count down, but not exactly to the day of his birthday, since David’s birthday was the day before we left on vacation. We decided to postpone his birthday to Saturday the 31st of October. We would then be able to totally focus on his special day, Dad would be with us and we could enjoy a day of fun at the beach.

I baked the birthday cake on Thursday night and wrapped it in brown paper for the trip to Brenton-On-Sea near Knysna.
On Friday night CJ and I decorated the cake. David wanted a cowboy cake and we kept the cake very simple, since I was exhausted after a week of preparation, packing and the long trip.

On Saturday morning, Daniel woke up at 5h30, not exactly what I would have preferred for the first day of my vacation and David woke up shortly after. Within a few minutes all the children were awake and appreciating the birthday cake and decorations Heidi-Mari brought along. We have never had a birthday party at 6h30 in the morning! But we have also never had a birthday during our vacation!

The children still in their pajamas but ready to blow the candles and enjoy the birthday cake for breakfast!

David blowing out the three candles!

David who just loves horses, showing one of his presents, a horse that is part of a car and horse box. Just the way brother CJ takes Silverball to his horse events.

After having cake for breakfast and trying to get some real food into their bodies, we headed for the beach! The Lord blessed us with the most beautiful day and we spent hours playing in the water and sand.

It has become a tradition to built airplanes in the sand. They will sit for hours in their sand airplanes, pretending to fly to different places and do all kinds of aerobatic tricks.

David, very true to the meaning of his name - Warrior for God - holding out his ‘sword’!

Little Daniel was only 9 weeks old when we were at Brenton-on-Sea last year. He was very suspicious of the sound and look of the waves, but after some time he started enjoying himself in the sand!

Josua, as always running, having the time of his life!

Danika and Andrew playing in a world of their own.

By 14h00 we headed back to our log cabin, for lunch. Daniel fell asleep in my arms as we walked back and slept for two hours. The rest of the afternoon, the children played around the cottage and had fun.

By 18h00 we were looking for David, and found him on the couch - fast asleep! The birthday boy could only take so much fun and excitement.

I am sure he will never forget his 3rd birthday and neither will his siblings!


  1. Veels Geluk David!! Dit was nou n lekker lees sommer oor die vakansie ook! Hoop julle geniet dit!

  2. MMMM, lekker! Skuus vir die stilte, maar 'n trekkery neem mos jou lewe oor! Hoop die vakansie is verfrissend!

  3. Hallo Sonja
    Baie dankie! Dit was die heerlikste vakansie, met fantastiese weer. Meer daaroor later in die week.

    Hallo Petra
    So lekker om van jou te hoor, het jou gemis, maar geweet dit gaan dol, baie aan jou gedink en vir jou gebid. Hoop jul is al redelik uitgepak en gevestig in jul nuwe woning!
    Baie goete, Vriendin!
