
26 November 2009

A New Hobby for Heidi-Mari and Me

For Heidi-Mari’s ninth birthday I enrolled us for four basic scrapbook lessons. I could never have imagined how many memory making and creative evenings we would have from that day onwards with our scrapbooking. Here I’ve shared how our Once-a-Week-Scrap-book-Evenings changed our relationship into a deep Mother-Daughter-Friendship.

Over the past three and a half years we’ve made the most beautiful scrapbook pages during hours of relaxed conversations.

One of our first pages!

Heidi-Mari invested a lot in her scrapbooking. A year after we started, during her tenth year, she had saved enough money to buy herself a Scrapbook cutting machine – the Silhouette.

With the Silhouette we entered a new level of scrapbooking. We could cut words, shapes, borders and many more! We once bought these paper dolls on-line and made the most beautiful cards with the paper dolls we cut with her silhouette machine.

A few months ago I followed the link to a card making blog on a friend’s blog. I showed Heidi-Mari and we started looking into some more card making blogs. We where hooked! There were the most beautiful, creative ideas for card making. There and then we decided to make a little shift in our scrap booking and try our hand at card making.

One of our first cards – a Welcome-Baby card for a friend

At this blog Heidi-Mari spotted the Sugar Nellie stamps for card making. After careful investigation we bought 10 Sugar Nellie stamps from Scotland. No supplier for these beautiful stamps in South Africa. We searched the internet to see how to colour these beautiful stamps and got hold of watercolor pencils at a local shop in Durbanville.

Now Heidi-Mari is painting to her hearts desire and supplies us with the most beautiful stamps for our hand made cards.

Here are the first two cards we made on Monday night, using the Sugar Nellie stamps.

The oval scalloped shape we designed ourselves on our silhouette. I am foreseeing hours of fun and creativity with this new hobby of us!!


  1. Linnie, this is so special. A way to enjoy now and build memories, putting in for now and later. I now see again the wonders of a mother/daugther relationship. I do love my 2 boys and know why I don't have a girl, but seeing this makes me wish...

  2. Die kaartjies is pragtig!Jy en Heidi-Mari kan regtig goed voel daaroor! Dit is vir my en Nikita net so lekker om sulke dinge saam te doen, of pop te speel as die gier haar die dag beetpak!

  3. Linnie
    Ek het 'n vragie.... Hoe oud is Danika?
    Ek het ondervind dat ek vir die jongeres heelwat later eers verantwoordelikhede gegee het as wat die oueres dit gekry het.

    Jul kaartjies is lieflik. Nou kan ma maar die entrepreneurskap deurvoer sodat sus 'n klein kiosk begin :)


  4. Liewe Huisvrou
    Kan ek net eers sê: Welkom terug!
    Danika is nou 6 1/2 jaar oud. Ek is ook geneig om te 'vergeet' die kleineres word groot en kan verantwoordelikhede opneem. Maar met hierdie mamma wat nou al minder mobiel raak in hierdie hitte, moet hulle net meer verantwoordelikhede opneem. Ons is dus in 'n soort siklus. Elke 18 maande wanneer ek 'stadiger' raak onthou ek hulle is groter en dan is daar so 'n wakker-skrik tyd, waarin hulle vinnig opgelei word en ingetrek word in die huisverpligtinge en verantwoordelikhede.
    Sus gaan nou haar eie kaartjie blog begin en wil deelneem aan al die kaartjie kompetisies in die Kaartjie-blog-wêreld. Ons werk nog net 'n bietjie om die blog opgestel te kry. (Is nie so eenvoudig soos Mamma s'n nie...!)
    Heerlike week vir jou!
