
27 December 2009

Will there be Enough to Feed a Hungry World?

For two days, we just did not have the time to water the watermelon-pumpkin bed and our seedlings. Yesterday morning I woke up early to water the beds, seedlings and gave some liquid fertiliser to my tomatoes, peas and beans. Big was my disappointment to see two of the watermelon plants dead due to the heat and lack of water (We know only have 9 watermelon plants). When I got to my seedlings, one of my bean seedlings was also dead (out of 30 seeds only 11 germinated!). It is so sad to lose these plants. All I could think of was all the watermelons and countless beans I could harvest from these plants and know it was lost!

Since this is our first planting season, I'm still in the learning curve. I need to sow much more seeds during the next planting season. I specifically need to sow much more watermelon and beans.

Right there, while watering my seedlings, the Lord gave me a revelation. He showed me how my babies are like seeds sowed and as Christo and I raise them in God's ways, they are growing in beautiful little plants.

We have to take care of them every single day, nurturing them and protecting them against the elements of the world, until they are strong and big enough to be transplanted in the big, wide world.

Then they will be able to start to bear fruit - healthy, delicious fruit that can feed a hungry world – hungry for the truth and love of God.

God showed me the comparison between the seeds I've sown, which was not by far enough to produce a big enough harvest for my family, and the little seeds and plants and eventually the harvest that will be brought forth from Godly marriages (Malachi 2).

“…the Lord has been witness
Between you and the wife of your youth,…
…she is your companion
And your wife by covenant.
15 But did He not make them one,
Having a remnant of the Spirit?
And why one?
He seeks godly offspring.”
Mal 2:14

I could feel the deep disappointment and sadness the Heavenly Gardener felt because not enough seeds and plants are coming forth from Godly marriages. Currently there isn't a big enough harvest of Godly offspring to feed a hungry world and satisfy unsaved souls, in their search for truth, righteousness and the true love of God.

Under the right conditions one little plant can produce a large harvest, feeding a lot.

The same large harvest can be produced with little Godly human plants growing up in Godly marriages.

I'm thinking of the offspring of the Jonathan and Sarah Edwards family in the 1700’s.
Jonathan Edwards was a theologian, pastor, missionary and university president. He had a brilliant mind. At age ten (1713) he entered Yale College and at sixteen years he graduated at the head of his class. When he was twenty-three-years old, he became pastor of the church at Northampton, Massachusetts, which at the time was the most influential church in America. That same year he married Sarah Pierrepont, a daughter of one of the founders of Yale, and they had twelve children.
By 1900, this godly marriage had produced:
13 college presidents;
65 professors;
100 lawyers and a dean of an outstanding law school;
30 judges;
60 doctors and a dean of a medical school;
80 holders of public office including 3 United States Senators;
3 mayors of large cities;
3 state governors;
a Vice President of the United States; and
a Controller of United States Treasury

They entered the ministry in platoons, sent one-hundred missionaries overseas as well as staffing many mission boards. Members of the family wrote 135 books and edited eighteen journals and periodicals.

Another century has gone by since this study. How much more has this one family influenced the world? This happened because one husband and wife had a vision for raising a godly seed and satisfy the world!

This gave me a new determination to present myself even more available to the Heavenly Gardener to bring forth Godly seeds and plants which will bear a harvest of good works that can change the world!

“…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
Col 1:10

“…he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”
2 Tim 2:21

“…Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”
Heb 13:20


Will you also be moved by the Heaven Gardener, and present yourself available to produce Godly offspring, and that in abundance, so we can change the world?


  1. Linnie,dit is n pragtige boodskap!
    Julle groente lyk pragtig,jammer vir die wat nie gewerk het nie,ek het ook hier en daar bietjie skade gehad, maar gelukkig is daar altyd die wat nog groei en die moeite werd is!

  2. Dearest Linnie

    I read this post a few days ago then we went away for a break and have been chewing it over in my mind, speaking to Gavin and a friend.

    It is such a challening thing to think through and want to thank you for sharing it.

    While there will be no more babies from my body we know that there are many little "seeds" waiting for homes across this nation that can be raised in a godly home when we adopt them and make them part of our family and as such stand to inherit the kingdom of God and then take the Good News to the nations.

    Have a wonderful 2010

  3. Dear Wendy
    Praise the Lord, for this posting touching your heart!
    Lots of love
