
12 January 2010

First Blog Anniversary and a Give Away!

Today is my blog’s first anniversary!  I’ve started this blog on the 12th of January and had hours of joy writing revelations from God, remembering incidents in my past, telling about my family and reading your comments!

Thank you to each one that took the time to visit my blog and leave comments.

To celebrate the year, I’m giving away three DVD’s.  

To qualify for one of these three DVD give aways, I would like to know which posting during the past year meant the most to you, and why.  
You can leave a comment on my blog or you can send me an e-mail if you have a hard time submitting a comment (I know how difficult it can be to try and submit a comment on a blog) or if you want to stay anonymous.  Look at the side bar on the right for contact me - a new option I’ve added to my blog.
Leave your comment by next Tuesday the 19th of January, on this blog posting.  
If you prefer an e-mail please put “First Blog Anniversary” in the subject line and send your e-mail not later than Tuesday the 19th of January.
I will announce the winners on Wednesday the 20th of January.

The DVD’s I’m giving away:
Nancy Campbell’s The Family Meal Table

Nancy Campbell, from Above Rubies, sets forth a triumphant vision for families by focusing on the wonderful opportunities for family enrichment that occur around the family meal table. 
Nancy Campbell offers studied and challenging insight into why the family meal table carries profound Biblical significance for families. The loving manner in which she shares will encourage families as she offers highly practical advice for how to reclaim and optimize the family meal table.

Colin Campbell’s Raising a 21st Century Patriarch

Colin Campbell (Nancy Campbell’s husband) challenges men to return to Biblical patriarchy! All men will be challenged and inspired.

Understanding the Health Puzzle

Understanding the health puzzle is an interactive humor filled teaching on modern day health issues. Often you hear conflicting statements by health experts and doctors. How do you as a lay person view this, or how do you make sense of all the books and contradictory theories out there. Furthermore, how do you interact with your doctor and what do you accept as the truth. These and many more issues are addressed in this professionally produced set of 3 DVD’s with six teaching sessions and a total running time of 278 minutes. It’s produced by Christo Lues, who has been a consulting nutritionist for the last ten years.

Add to your comment if you have a preference for one of the three DVD’s.

I am looking forward to hear from you. Your comments will guide me through the next year on what topics is most relevant and encouraging to you!

Lots of love


  1. Die inskrywing wat ek die meeste van gehou het was die een oor jul vakansie (Our family's secrets to a successful vacation). Dit was vir my amazing hoe organiseerd julle was en elkeen sy deel gedoen het. Natuurlik gaan jy 'n heerlike vakansie hê as alles so netjies beplan is.
    Ek wens party dae ek kan my lewe so organiseer! Maar die ander skepseltjies in my huis hou nie altyd van organisering nie!!

    Lekker dag!!

  2. Linnie,ek dink die beste inskrywing wat ek die meeste van hou,is: The Secret to freedom mothering. Jy het dit op n tyd geskryf toe ek Above Rubies net begin lees het en dit het so mooi daarby aangesluit en so baie van my vrae geantwoord en my baie bemoedig. Dit het my gehelp om my houding te bly verander en verbeter om die ma te word wat God wil he ek moet wees.
    Dankie vir al jou wysheid en insig wat jy met ons deel,ek dink ons mammas kan baie baat by sulke bemoedigende geselskap!

  3. The post I enjoyed most recently is the 'Countdown and another birth story'. I found it really helpful in helping me to recognise the spiritual opposition to my fourth child, which like your eighth, is due in a couple of weeks. I was also encouraged by the amazing way in which God provided and protected during Danika's birth - thank you so much for sharing it!

  4. I received this comment by e-mail:

    "As I sit here and write to you I am so grateful for a father in heaven who loves me …
    I have always believed there is a God, but lately through a lack of faith and the pain and heartache that goes hand-in-hand with a family, I have given up on him … and on myself …
    After a heartfelt prayer asking God what is my purpose here when I feel like I am just taking up space and oxygen that could go to another who wants to be here, tonight I came across your site …
    As I read the stories with tears streaming down my cheeks I realize I have forgotten about looking after myself.
    Me, as a woman in her own right …
    This is the message God wants me to hear … that I am important … that he does know me … that he is aware of my struggles … my needs … my desires …
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    You have shown me where I need to start to rebuild myself.
    With the Lord’s help I will make it from here."

  5. Hierdie kommentaar is deur 'n dierbare vriendin per e-mail gestuur (ek plaas net dele daarvan):
    Om jou vraag te beantwoord oor watter bloginskrywing die meeste vir my beteken het.... Ek het nou probeer om die datum te gaan soek waar dit staan, maar dis 'n naald in 'n hooimied.
    Dit was 'n opmerking wat daaroor gegaan het dat ons ma's nie moet verval in "pitty parties"
    nie. Op daardie stadium was dit presies wat ek nodig gehad het en die Gees het my al soveel kere daaraan herinner na ek dit gelees het. Dit het my laat wonder: Hoeveel kere het ek al mense afgesit van my tipe lewenswyse deur dit wat ek uitgestraal het terwyl ek myself bejammer het?
    Baie dankie vir jou gehoorsaamheid en bereidheid om die waarheid uit te spreek.
    My voorkeur vir die DVD'S: FAMILY MEAL TABLE of HEALTH PUZZLE
