
27 January 2010


But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:4

This last few days I’m full of hormones, depleted of energy; very emotional and without any strength, in my opinion, not quite the best place to exercise patience! Yet, if I read James 1 correctly this is exactly the way patience have its perfect work in me, accomplishing spiritual maturity!

Over the past few months I’ve read a few blogs of mothers who were pregnant and every single one of them reached the stage where they were afraid they’re going to be pregnant forever!  I’ve promised myself this time I will not allow myself to have feelings of impatience!  But here I am, and I think I’m going to be pregnant forever with this baby! Looking out for any sign of labour! 

My babies normally came between 39 and 40 weeks.  Daniel my last baby was born at 39 weeks exactly.  As I had strong contractions since December and it was my 8th baby, and I’m more active taking care of all the little ones, I thought this baby would be born at 39 weeks too.  I even had a few hours of strong contractions over the weekend! So much so, that on Sunday-night, Heidi-Mari and I put out everything baby and I would need, in the first hour after birth, on the traditional trolley, next to my bed!  

A blue and a pink baby towel, a blue and a pink short sleeve body-vest, a blue and a pink baby grow, a blue and a pink pair of socks, a blue and a pink face cloth, newborn disposable nappies, a blue and a pink receiving blanket, a blue and a pink emobroided cloth nappy.
Olive oil and round disk cotton wool to clean baby’s bum, our home made bum cream, Wecesin Grace & Weeping Wound Powder to dry out the umbilical stump, Chamomilla powders for baby, a clean pair of pajamas and disposable panties for me, maternity pads without plastic lining (which increase the possibility for infection), cotton breast pads (disposable breast pads have plastic lining too, which can cause irritated nipples and increase the possibility of fungus growing on the nipples) 
Traumeel S drops for the after birth pain, black plastic bags to cover the mattress and for everything that needed to be disposed of, clean linen for the bed and fresh towels for me.

Here, Christo posted remedies during labour. 

Heidi-Mari and I also took care of our toes and feet on Saturday morning and gave each other a pedicure!  After that we also took care of our finger nails. I went for a half leg wax on Tuesday and Christo took me for a movie the evening!  

Our school routine is well established and the house is clean, the older children know exactly what to do with the little ones whenever I go into labour, day or night and they know what food to prepare - breakfast, lunch or supper.  

What else can I do?

Trust the Lord for His timing and let patience have its perfect work in me! 

Eish, that is the hard part!


  1. Ag jinne mensie!! Die ewige wag...
    Nou kan jy maar vir ons "dom" klomp bietjie meer uitbrei... Tuisgemaakte boudjiesalf? Wat is alles daarin?
    Hoekom olyfolie?
    Dan 'n persoonlike vragie (jy moet maar edit en delete as dit nodig is..?) Wat doen 'n mens, wanneer jy 'n tuisgeboorte doen, met die nageboorte? Is daar nie munisipale reëls en regulasies t.o.v. dit nie?
    Sien, jou gesê, ek is maar dom met hierdie dinge.

    BAIE STERKTE vir hierdie laaste week (en almal weet te vertel hoe meer babas jy het, hoe vinniger kom hulle geboorte.... gmf!)

  2. Marelize, hier is die boudjiesalf resep. Ek het dit as 'n ooievaarstee geskenk gekry toe ek swanger was met CJ en gebruik dit nogsteeds vir elke baba!

    Our home made bum cream recipe:
    100gr Zam-buk (a South African product contains Eucalyptus, Camphor, Oil of Thyme and Oil of Sassafras)
    350gr Nursery vaseline (pure petroleum jelly)
    150gr Fissan baby paste
    50g Traumeel S ointment
    Melt together over low heat, until well mixed. Pour in containers and let it cool down

    Ja, ek het ook al die storie gehoor dat hoe meer babas hoe meer akkuraat 'tel' hulle tot by 40 weke... My babatjies 'tel' op hul eie manier!

  3. You look beautiful, Linnie!!!
    Vasbyt, amper, amper daar!
    Lots of love and prayers,
    Family Gray

  4. On the other hand you can be very thankful that baby did not arrive much earlier! I am sure it won't be long now...

  5. Ons wag in spanning saam met jou vir die nuwe baba! Baie sterkte.
