
01 February 2010

Fallen In Love

We’re all just falling in love with little Michael! 

Everyone wants to hold him, touch him, kiss him, adore him!

With the privilege of Daddy being at home over the weekend, taking responsibility for everything that still needs to happen, although we have a new baby, I’ve just stayed in bed,

with Michael in my arms.

Recovering from the birth 

and getting to know Michael.  
With all the little ones, our home is quite busy and noisy and I need a quiet and calm atmosphere, to get to know this new little addition to our family! Today, Monday, daddy was off to work again. I had to know this new person and need to be ready to take on the challenge of being a mother of eight precious children.
There is a raging storm around the world, regarding families who choose for God to determine the size of their family!  Just check out the news articles on the Duggar family and all the comments on this family’s walk in faith, comments on Generation Cedar’s blog postings on pro life v.s. pro choice. Even a negative comment on a local blog, where handing over the size of your family to God, is compared to ‘becoming like animals” and ‘we should rather add to God’s spiritual family, and stop making babies who we can’t afford to look after!’
The enemy of our souls, who knows that we are living in the end times, is doing everything in his power to blind people to the truth of God’s Word on Children!  We need Godly people in every walk of live, every career in the world, every influence sphere in the community.  We need an army of Godly warriors.  God need families who will make themselves available to Him to raise as many Godly warriors as He chooses and needs for His End Time Army.  
I’m sure you all know the song ‘I surrender all’. What a privilege to get to the point of ‘I Surrender all’ - also my womb.  Michael’s birth was a very long, painful experience (more later) and with every birth I’m taking longer to recover, but this is my reasonable service to my Savior!  
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”
Rom 12:1
And here are some photos on this precious family the Lord entrusted to Christo and I.

Proud Daddy with his sixth Son!  
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed,
But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.”
Ps 127:4-5

CJ and his little baby brother.  He was so proud to announce the arrival of Michael at the horse riding school!

Heidi-Mari and Michael. She’s so proud, she’d already did more postings on Michael than I did!

Josua and Michael.  This time he is much more involved with the baby, since his older.

Danika and Michael. She’s taking great delight in being Heidi-Mari’s helping hand when taking care of their little brother.
Andrew and his little brother.  He just wants to hold Michael all the time!

David and Michael.  He adores Michael for hours touching the little toes and fingers!

Daniel, the bigger baby, who can’t believe there is a baby in the house.  His mission is to announce to anyone he meets:  “Baba!”

Little Michael, we love you sooo much and you don’t even know it, yet!


  1. Wonderlik Linnie - jy kan maar 'n skakel insit op daardie "teel soos diere".... :)

    Julle lyk só gelukkig dat 'n mens dit sommer deur die foto's kan aanvoel.

  2. Dankie Marelize!
    Ja, dit is so kosbaar om die vreugde wat klein Michael die huis ingebring het te ervaar! Dit kan net wees omdat hy 'n geskenk is, direk uit Vader God se Hand!

  3. Linnie,klein Michael is pragtig!Ek kan sien almal geniet hom baie!Julle is n pragtige gesin so na God se hart!

  4. O so beautiful! And to think that I cannot hold or smell this little baby! Miss you lots. Take your time and recover well, you've got a good team to help you.

  5. Jou gesin is pragtig!

  6. Liewe Melinda
    Welkom op my blog, dankie vir jou mooi boodskap.

  7. ai Linnie, ek verstaan nie dat mense sulke lelike dinge kan kwytraak oor goed wat hulle geensins raak nie. Ek is so bly vir jou en jou pragtige gesin, baie geluk met jou pragtige seuntjie se geboorte! Ek wens so ons kan nog eenetjie kry, maar God het nog planne met ons! Sal maar geduldig moet wag tot boetie / sussie kom in Sy tyd! Ons het 3 jaar gewag vir ons dogtertjie, en sjoe, dit was die wag werd! Die Liewe Vader weet net wanneer die tyd reg is. As Hy dit goeddink om julle te seen met ongelooflike kinders is dit n voorreg en n eer, en ander mense moet eerder stilbly en dink voor hulle praat!
