
12 March 2010


The first few weeks I couldn’t stop holding Michael.
I would sit with him in my arms for most of the day and when I had to put him down and he started to cry, 
I would quickly delegate what I was busy to do and had my baby back in my arms. 

It simply does something to a mother’s heart when a tiny little human being is so dependable on you! 
I just flourish on it!

Someone comment last weekend: “By know you must be so used to holding babies, it shouldn’t be a thrill anymore!”  
Well, in my case it is quite the opposite.  
I cannot get enough of holding my sweet baby! 

I know how quickly they grow out of the newborn stage and then he isn’t the sweet smelling helpless baby anymore!

Well... he is growing and developing, being 6 weeks today! 

The last few days he started to communicate, giving us wide open smiles,

and moving his arms and legs, like he’s running a marathon! 

Now I cannot stop talking with him! 
As I am busy typing this posting, he is making all the sounds he can manage to get my attention, with great success! 

I can hardly type a word without telling him for the thousand’s time, how cute he is and how much I love him! 
It is so amazing to see how he is changing from the tiny, newborn baby

into an attentive baby, taking in his environment; trying to get our attention, by making movements and sounds! 

And the excitement when we react on his efforts! 

His alive, blue eyes will pull into thin lines as he gave you a wide open smile, while trying to get out some more sounds! 

He is simply adorable!

I’ve said it before, I say it again: “I’m addictive to babies!”

Thank you Lord for blessing me with babies!


  1. OE Linnie, Ek sal net mooi niks gedoen kry nie. Heeldag en aldag net Baba vashou.

    Wat 'n voorreg om so deur vriende gekoester te kan word...

  2. Marelize, dit is presies wat ek doen! Ek sit werklik net heeldag met Michael in my arms of met hom voor in my Ergo, wanneer ons skool, huiswerk doen of kos maak! Hy le nou weer in my arms op 'n kussing terwyl ek hier skryf. Hy is so 'n 'lekker' in my lewe!
    Dankie vir die 'inloer'.
