
30 May 2010

Outing to Table Mountain - Another Blessed Experience!

On Saturday our family went up the beautiful Table Mountain!  

The last time we went up was more than five years ago when I was still pregnant with Andrew, and Danika was only 18 months old! Back then only had 4 children. 

Now, Andrew and Danika is turning 5 and 7 years in 2 weeks time and we have 8 children!
It was such a blessed day and again, I could only stand in awe on the blessing hand of the Lord on our family!  The first blessing was Friday night, when Christo went onto the Table Mountain website to see what the cost of such an outing for a family of ten would be. There was a family special running.  Two children enter free for every parent and only children above 5years pay.  This special meant that, only Christo and I had to pay and brought down the cost from R700 to only R300.   
On Saturday morning we awoke to face the most beautiful, wind still and cloud free day!  It is currently winter here and we have winter rainfall in the Western Cape. So, days like that is few and far between.  To find such a day on a weekend and then even on Christo’s off weekend is only a God ordained blessing!
Since it was such a champagne clear day, there was no parking near the entrance when we arrived at the cable car entrance by 11h00.  Christo stopped right in front of the entrance to drop off the children and me, and would then try to find the nearest parking - about a kilometer away!  The moment we stopped, a black guy (Sebastian) approached Christo’s door to inform him that we’re not allowed to stop there.  Christo acknowledged his warning and informed him he was only dropping off his wife and little children.  Christo then asked: “Don’t you have a nearby parking space for me?” Sebastian immediately changed and told Christo he is going to give us a special parking space and added, “I can see sir, you have many children!”.  But first Sebastian took me and the children to a safe spot and told us to wait there, while he helped Christo park.  He then took Christo only a few meters down the road, just next to the bus parking spaces, and unlocked a special parking.  Within minutes he and Christo were back.  He then took us to the front of a long line of people, waiting to buy tickets.  He started asking the children's ages and then talked (in Xhosa) to the teller behind the glass. In no time we paid the special tariff, but still he wasn’t finished with us.  Next he took us to a door leading to a ‘Staff only’ lift.  He showed Christo on which floor to stop for the cable car and told us to enjoy the day, he will look well after our vehicle.  We were amazed!  He didn’t need to help us this far!

Waiting to enter the cable car. 

The rest of the outing was just pure joy!  The children, especially the smaller boys and Danika, had a ball, exploring the mountain!  

They hanged over the walls.

They adored dandelions, and

they searched for creeping crawleys, 

and found some!

They jumped over bushes and rocks.

Appreciated the scenery below. 


We are still debating if the new Soccer Stadium is complimenting Seapoint...

Some of us found ‘rock thrones’ to sit on. 

Others were investigating the rock, then got bored.....

and fell asleep!

Andrew and David found it fascinating reading the information boards!  

Between Heidi-Mari, Christo and myself we passed Michael and Daniel around, in the Ergo and African Baby Carrier.

Josua and CJ was carrying water bottles, warmer clothes (which we didn’t need for one second - we were already dressed to warm) and baby supplies.

An outing with all our small children took plenty of planning and cooperation between parents and older children!
With the money we saved on our transport up the mountain we could buy lunch at the restaurant and Christo and I had an excellent espresso and cappuccino and the children had a once-of ice cream!  They took in enough Vit D and fresh air, to work away the side affects of the diary!

What a privilege it was, to explore the mountain through the eyes of our children! After a delightful day on the mountain we returned to our Vito and faithful Sebastian.  

What a blessed day!  I am in awe of the love and care of the Lord on our family!  With a thankful heart, I only want to sing praises to my Lord! He fills my cup with joy to the brim!


  1. Dit klink na n wonderlike uitstappie,dit is wonderlik hoe die Here na Sy kinders kyk! Ek was laas op Tafelberg toe ek 8 jaar oud was, ek sal dit nooit vergeet nie.

  2. Ag hoe wonderlik is ons Here nie!!!!! Ek en Andries het net gisteraand 'n gesprek gehad oor groot gesinne.

    Ons is baie jammer dat ons nie meer kindertjies gehad het nie. Ons sien gesinne wat vier en meer kinders het en dis asof daar meer veiligheid en lekkerte daarin is. Geniet elke oomblik daarvan my liewe vriendin!!!

  3. As we approached our one year anniversary here, Table Mountain was one of the things I missed the most. I had hoped to go up before we left, but that was not to be. So happy that I could enjoy some of the scenery through your eyes - thanx mate!

  4. O and just so that everyone knows - the backpack-thing with water, warmer clothes, rescue remedy, etc. works! I have done it quite a few times on walks here and it surely makes the whole outing much more enjoyable and relaxing knowing you have some supplies on hand.

  5. What a wonderful blog you have, Linnie. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about some of your adventures, and am encouraged by your home schooling your 8 children. I love doing it, and feel so blessed to be able to. Have a wonderful weekend ;D
