
07 June 2010

Fascinated by the World of Music

As a young child I grew up in a home full of classical music.  It was still the time of the LP records and my dad had quite an impressive collection.  He loved the music of The Sound of Music, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Liberace.  I remember when still at school we once had a debate on “Should teens allow our parents’s preference for classical music to be ‘forced’ on us?”  Even without the knowledge I now have on peer pressure, and subtle indoctrination, that debate didn’t sound right to me. Even the teachers suggested that we shouldn’t allow our parents to force down there style of music on us and after all, classical music was old fashioned!  I was a very shy girl in those days, hiding in the shadows - what else do you expect :-) - and didn’t dare to oppose the general notion, but I enjoyed it tremendously when my dad put on his classical music. 
When I met Christo, and discovered that we shared a common interest in classical music, it was just wonderful and part of knowing that we were made for each other! But while I was a farm girl, knowing classical music only through records, Christo’s parents had exposed him to real orchestral performances!  He knew all the general instruments, while I only knew and played the piano.  He very quickly introduced me to life performances and I just loved every moment!
After getting married we bought a whole series of classical music CDs and played from Bach to Beethoven to our unborn babies. After their births, we payed it 24hours a day in their rooms.  We still have a video recording of CJ’s home coming from hospital after he was born. I had to sit and wait in the car, while Christo rushed inside and put on the soft baroque music. He then came to fetch me and with hushed tones we introduced our 4day old first born to his new home and the world of music.  
Over the years, as our home became filled with the voices and noises of many little children, we couldn’t play classical music 24 hours a day anymore, but we often had special evenings when we played a certain musicians music and it was always classical music.  It must be in the genes, because they thoroughly enjoyed these evenings.  For a few years CJ played the trumpet, before he discovered horses and Heidi-Mari practiced the violin, before she decided to do ballet more regularly.   When we were not listening to classical music, we filled our home and driving times with the music of Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin and my personal favourites, Serene and Pearl.  The little ones would very excitedly ask for the ‘Hallelujah’-DVD of Michael W. Smith and watched it repeatedly on DVD!    
A few weeks ago, on one of or coffee dates, we walked past a big screen video performance by Andre Rieu.  I’ve often seen him on big screens in shopping centers and was fascinated by the beautiful dresses, the glamour and excitement that accompany his performances. That evening we stood for almost and hour in awe and watch his performance on the big screen in a retail shop - without able to hear anything!!!  

The next day Christo came home with a three DVD set of Andre Rieu The 100 Greatest Moments!  

We immediately put it on and then the miracle happened!  

The children were mesmerized!  Heidi-Mari, Danika and my boys with the sweet spirits, Josua and Andrew, couldn’t stop looking at the beautiful dresses and amazing instruments and my boys with the real wild temperaments, CJ and David was fascinated by the flamboyance on the stage - horses, fireworks and the fun and humor of Andre Rieu and his musicians.
Within a week or two, little Daniel 22 months old would excitedly come and ask me ‘Andre Rieu?”.  Many times over the past few weeks, Andre Rieu would calm down my home, during the crisis hour of food preparation before daddy came home! Andre Rieu and his young, enthusiastic musicians, who put their heart and soul into their music performances, had captured something very special in my children’s hearts and soul!  Many an evening Christo and I will hear the older children sing classical music while cleaning up the kitchen or while the two big brothers shower!  This NEVER happened before, the boys are much to macho for this!
On Thursday I had to drive into an industrial area of the Cape to customs to fetch a shipment of Power of Motherhood sent from America.  CJ accompanied me since Christo didn’t want me to go alone with the little ones. It was at least an hours drive.  We were already in the car, ready to go, when CJ jumped out of the car and ran into the house to fetch something.  On his return he had a CD of Andre Rieu to listen to, while we drove!  With great thankfulness I looked at my almost 16year old son, getting excited about classical music! The whole trip of two and a half hours, the little ones were calm and relaxed in the car! 

That evening we took out CJ’s trumpet and Heidi-Mari’s violin!

Oh boy, the children couldn’t believe their eyes!  

We’ve put these instruments away about three years ago and the little ones didn’t know we had “real orchestral instruments” in the house, apart from the piano in the dining room! 

Andrew especially couldn’t stop touching the violin and 

Josua just wanted to know when he could start with trumpet lessons! 

After we’ve put the instruments away, they still sat in front of the piano!  
Now I have a different challenge!  Where am I going to fit in music lessons in our already filled to the brim schedule? 

Praise the Lord for the gift of music! As Andre Rieu himself said: “Music is the most wonderful thing in the world – it triggers emotions and make people happy!” 

I want to fill my house with joy and what better way than through more music!


  1. Haai Linnie,dit was nou n verrassing! Hier by ons het dieselfde passie ontvlam! Die laaste twee weke wil my kinders ook net leer klawerbord speel.Nikita sal baie van julle viool hou want sy wil nou baie graag een he! Klassieke musiek is wonderlik vir ons kinders!

  2. Ek het vandag terug gekom en die video kom kyk.Ek is mal daaroor en gaan dit definitief vir ons ook kry!

  3. Love their faces in the pics! You can see the joy!

  4. Dit bly darem maar wonderlik dat Andre klassieke musiek op so 'n stylvolle en tog vrolike manier aanbied. Ek dink dis daardie fantasie element wat die kinders se aandag trek en gevange hou.

    My vier is net so gek na sy dvd's (ons het 6) en vra nogal gereeld daarna.
