
28 June 2010

The Seven Things that Keep Me Going


  1. Dankie Linnie vir hierdie post,ek gaan deur n bietjie van n moeilike tyd en dit het baie vir my beteken! Die Here is soooo getrou om ons nooit alleen te laat nie!

  2. Hi Linnie
    Thank you so much for sharing this with the people who follow your blog. I am not a christian, but rather an orthodox Jewess and i am sure since you know your bible we follow the old testament and old laws of belief we live a different life to the world at large. I often find my life tedious and sometime feel overwhelmed by some of the restrictions, but your faith and the fact that you shared with me a small bit of how you feel has given me some strength that i am not alone when i feel there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish all that is set out for us to do with limited interferance from the modern world we live in.
    Thanks again for sharing

  3. Dear Paola
    Thank you for encouraging me, by taking the time to tell me what this meant to you!
    Be Blessed

  4. Liewe Sonja
    Moet die winter weer wees wat ons bietjie laat swaar trek- te min son!
    Maar die Lig van die Wereld kan die koudste hoekie van ons harte warm skyn en ons dag warm maak met Sy liefde en trou!

  5. Dankie Vader vir hierdie vriendin!
    Linnie, Vader het waarlik vir jou vanoggend gebruik om my WEER eens aan te spreek. Sondag in die kerk, sagte influistering soggens net voor en na die wekker afgaan en nou weer

    Prioriteite. Terugkeer. Want ja, ek het ver afgedwaal.

    DANKIE, dankie, dankie....

  6. Thank you Lord for Linnie!! I feel encouraged and strenghtened again feeling rather overwhelmed after moving house. Linnie, you and your family are such a blessing! lv Karyn

  7. Linnie, dankie vir wat jy skryf, vir gehoorsaamheid aan God se stem. Daardeur bemoedig jy ons. Ek sal dit net weer moet lees, en weer, en weer...

  8. Thank you Marelize, Karyn and Esther. I had to write this down, because it was such a revelation and encouragement to me - I need to read it over and over again, myself!
