
01 August 2010

Above Rubies, Ballet Costumes and Croissants

Yes, this is what keeps me busy and away from the blogworld!

For almost three weeks 15 boxes of Above Rubies stood in my living room, shouting at me to be put into envelopes and sent to our 600 Above Rubies subscribers in South Africa. 

I was desperately trying to finish Heidi’s birthday dress for her 13th birthday and then we celebrated her 13th birthday!  The little ones didn’t mind having the boxes in their way all the time and were playing house-house underneath the table between all the boxes! 

This past two weekends my wonderful husband and four older children jumped in on the job and managed to put the Above Rubies in envelopes, ready to be posted!

So to all my South African Blog Friends who are subscribed to Above Rubies, you are in for a huge treat and are just going to love this issue!  

You can boil the water so long, get out your favourite tea cup or coffee mug and look forward to curl up in your most comfortable chair with Above Rubies #78! 

And while every one in the house is packing Above Rubies, I’m busy with a huge challenge - making three ballet costumes! 

A ‘Star’, a ‘Pearl’ and a ‘Lost Boy’ for Danika and Heidi-Mari’s Peter Pan ballet concert in September! 

I just love making ballet costumes, but they are quite a challenge, since the costumes create the atmosphere for the concert - and that is what it is all about! 

Again my older children are making it possible for me to sit for hours in front of the sewing machine, 

while they entertain the little ones, meet their needs and even take care of dinners! 

In an attempt to say thank you to my family, I baked them croissants over the weekend!  Heidi-Mari is learning baking skills this year and use an excellent Baking book which teach the technique and skill in such a simple way.  

While studying pastries, we tried our hand at croissants.  In the past I once tried to baked croissants, but it wasn’t very successful. But since we used the Baking book, baking is so satisfying!  

With the illustrated pictures and detailed instructions every recipe is a masterpiece. 

And the croissants was no exception!  My family now wants croissants at least once a week and I enjoy preparing it so much, I may just agree...

With love


  1. Ek is so bly die rus-periode was kort! ;)
    En opgewonde verby oor die vooruitsig van nog 'n uitgawe van my gunsteling-tydskrif!! Dankie CJ, Heidi-Marie, Joshua en Danika - Christo.

    Linnie jou handewerk is soos altyd, pragtig.

    Seën vir julle

  2. Liewe Marelize, ongelukkig gaan ek nog so rukkie op die agtergrond bly, die ballet kostuums is nog nie klaar nie, moet Heidi se Perel, byna oor begin, nadat dit verander is met die eerste pas sessie.
    Hoop jy kry jou AR vroeg in die week, geniet dit!
    Seen ook vir jul week.

  3. Ag dankie tog jy het besluit om gou terug te keer tot die blog wêreld!
    Die ballet kostuum is pragtig! Ek was Saterdagaand by 'n Winterbal en het so gesukkel om 'n rok te kry vir die aand. Ek dink ek moet volgende keer aan jou deur klop!!
    Sterkte met die res van die kostuums - ek sien uit daarna om die foto's te sien.
    Lekker dag!

  4. Oooo, yeah Linnie! Cant wait for Above Rubies #78 to arrive - what a treat! Welcome back by the way, great to 'see' you again.
    Blessings in Christ

  5. Ai! Dankie julle vir al julle harde werk met die tydskrifte. Dit was so lekker om weer een te ontvang! Die ballet uitrustings kan ek sommer sien gaan baie mooi wees!

  6. mmmm, die eetgoed lyk lekker!
