
20 September 2010

How Do You Cope?

On Friday night it was the girls’ ballet concert.  While helping the girls get dressed, Michael was in the ergo, close to me. 

Sometime during the evening a mother approached me with a Frequently Asked Question:  “How do you cope with 8 children?”  
For a second I couldn’t answer the question.  

Michael was teething again and I’ve only slept a few half hours during the night.  Useless to say it wasn’t a good day. I was physically and emotionally exhausted, Michael was irritated and grumpy, there were 7 more children in line for love, attention and unavoidable discipline, while preparing my girls for their biggest event in two years - their ballet concert! 

I wasn’t coping at all!! How was I suppose to answer the question?  For the love of me, I couldn’t put on a happy face and say it is all about priorities, children only come one-by-one or they are such a blessing - my regular (true) answer to the question!

Friday night Michael slept even worse than Thursday night. By Saturday morning, while feeling totally emotionless and knowing what a busy day was laying ahead, I remembered the question again.
The Bible says in 1 Pet 3:15: “ ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”
What should I answer, Lord? How do I answer for the hope, when I’m feeling overwhelmed?  I would like to know for myself.
And then I clearly heard the Lord’s soft whisper: “ It is not about you my Daughter.  It is all about Me, My glory and your holiness.  For now it is all about making you holy, growing in patience and faith, no matter what the circumstances.”

Oh! How my spirit lifted with this encouragement from my Heavenly Father.  The only One who really know how exhausted I am, but who is planning everything for my good!
This is what the verse in 1 Tim 1:15 is all about!  "...Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” 
It has nothing to do with me - how I cope, how happy I am or how streamlined my life was! 

I once read: “God is more interested in your holiness and character, than your happiness.”
I know my heavenly Father has my best interests at heart, I just need to lean more on Him in my weakness and trust Him with my whole life, seeking His will for my live and be obedient to go out and do as He instruct me in His Word, no matter what the cost!

And it is all about God and His Glory - Eight (trusting for more) godly men and women will one day leave our home to go change the world for Jesus Christ! Not because Christo and I did such a good job as parents raising these children, but because of God’s grace and hand of protection and instruction were on our lives to raise them.
Sunday was a better day, already!  On Saturday night, Michael slept much better and since Christo, CJ and Josua went to watch the girl’s concert, I went to bed with my boys by eight and got a few extra hours of sleep!  
On these days I rejoice in the good work the Lord has started in me and on the less good days, I rejoice too. Then I know He will keep His promise in Phil 1 verse 6: “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Dear heavenly Father, please mold me and shape me as You think best for me to become Your spotless bride on the day of Your return!
With love


  1. Nog maar altyd die groot vraag né? Mens kry dit met die TO ook (die ding van "ek sal dit nooit kan doen nie"), as 'hulle' maar weet hoe geweldig sterk 'n mens op Vader leun en steun, dat dit nie jy is nie, maar Hy...

  2. Yes, a great reminder of where our strength should come from daily - never mind what the circumstances.

  3. Ek dink aan die tyd toe my klein Ewan n baba was. Vir die eerste 3 maande van sy lewe was hy net siek en het nooit in die nag geslaap nie. Ek het elke nag deur regop met hom gesit en in die dag moes ek nog die res van die gesin versorg. Ek het gedin ek gaan beswyk en kan nou nog nie glo ek het daardeur anderkant uitgekom nie,maar nou kan ek sien hoe die Liewe Vader my selfsug van my afgestroop het en hoe ek daardeur nader aan HOm gegroei het en baie meer geduld op die harde manier geleer het. VAndag is ek uiters dankbaar vir hierdie kwaliteite wat Hy in my gekweek het!Want ek het hulle baie baie nodig! Is die Here nie wonderbaar en almagtig nie!! Ek is soooo opgewonde want ek weet selfs as ek lei is ek eintlik besig om te verkry wat ek nodig het vir n volgende seisoen wat kom!
    Wat n dierbare Mamma is jy!!

  4. Ek wil nog iets se: God het my verlos van nageboortelike depressie op juis hierdie snaakse manier- om my n baie alleen pad te laat loop met autisme en nagte sit en huil. Ek kry ook my moeilike dae- VERSEKER! En slaag nie altyd die toets nie,maar ek wil net lag en jubel oor die HEre en wat Hy in my lewe doen!En dit is wonderlik om te sien hoe Hy dit ook in jou doen en hoe gewillig jy is om te leer!
