
12 December 2010


"It is wisdom to behold the kindness and the severity of God.  
It is wisdom to love Him and to fear Him. 

You are in deception if you do otherwise.

God is both the Lion and the Lamb.

To the spiritual children He is the Lamb.
To the maturing He is the Lion!
To the fully mature He is both the Lion and the Lamb!

It is not by believing this in your mind, but in your heart, that results in righteousness."

*The Final Quest
by Rick Joyner

I'm currently reading The Final Quest, for the second time. What a revelation - again!

How wise are you?
Do you behold God as the Lamb, the One who will always understand? 
As the Lion, One to honor with the greatest fear and respect - in our choices and actions, too! 

"There are times to adore the Lord, 
there are times to honor Him with the greatest fear and respect.
It is wisdom to know the time for each."*

A Reminder for this Festive Season:
Jesus isn't the baby in the manger anymore, but the Mighty One who sits at the Right Hand of God, to whom is given all the Powers in Heaven and on Earth!
He will also empower you to do everything He asks of you in His Word!

With love

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