
20 January 2011


Just a short posting to announce:

"We are expecting Baby #9!"

My dear husband was still waiting for his wives' PMS, when I told him last night I bought a pregnancy test. He smiled and it was such a natural part of our life together - knowing this is why God made us one:  "Because He seeks godly offspring"

The children are so excited.  CJ, as well as Heidi-Mari were not surprised at all, they said they were expecting it, with big smiles!

Dear Andrew couldn't believe his ears, he got a shy smile and looked down to my tummy!

This afternoon David asked me how big the baby is, and I told him: "Still tiny, tiny small."  That was good enough for him and he kept on playing with his cars.

Little Danika is praying for a sister (like she's been doing with the last four pregnancies) and it seems like this time Josua is going to pray with her! How special!

I'm so blessed! As I was watching the second line on the pregnancy test appear, this morning, I felt like Mary, full of praises to the Lord!

God Almighty visited me again and put a new soul in my womb.
A soul that will live forever. A precious new life that will bring God glory and be part of God's army that will destroy the dark works of the enemy! 

Wow! Isn't that awesome! 

I want to sing with Mary:

“For He who is mighty had done great things for me, 
And holy is His Name.
And His mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.
Thank you Lord, I praise Your Name!"

With love


  1. WOW! Dis wonderlike nuus Linnie!

    Dis so 'n spesiale tyd. Mag God jou deur hierdie tyd bewaar. Jy is so 'n insperasie vir my!

    Liefde groete,

  2. Baie geluk ,Linnie, mag hierdie bab julle baie vreugde gee. Esther

  3. Baie baie geluk Linnie, Christo en die kinders! Ons bid dat die swangerskap en geboorte glad sal afloop en julle nuwe babatjie vir julle baie vreugde sal bring - soos ons weet hy/sy sal.

  4. En ek wil graag vir jou vra of jy groot seblief sal saamspeel met die tag wat ek op my blog geplaas het by Vra is vry Ek weet ek het baie dinge wat ek so 'n inspirerende vrou soos jy wil vra..

  5. Wow!Linnie,dis wonderlik!!! Baie baie geluk! Ek is sooooo opgewonder vir julle part! Mag dit hierdie keer n pragtige dogtertjie wees,soos Danika bid!=net vir haar!

  6. Dankie vir al die seenwense! Ek is omtrent opgewonde oor hierdie babtjie! Was maar in my agterkop dat ek dalk my laaste babatjie reeds gehad het, so hierdie mensie is ekstra welkom!

    Nelba, dit was lekker om saam te speel, maar ek is maar net so 'n mamma soos jy, ek leer maar uit my foute!
