
16 March 2011

My Baby For God's Glory and Purpose

On Friday morning we went for an ultra sound scan, during which we couldn’t see a heart beat on our 12 week unborn baby. This was such an unexpected shock and so painful for our whole family - we were all looking forward so much, to welcome this baby in our midst.

We decided to wait on the Lord, He is daily performing miracles and could still bring our baby to life.  In God’s wisdom, He decided to take our baby Home and I miscarriage on Monday morning.

While crying out to the Lord for His peace and comfort, I found this on the Above Rubies website and the Lord gently spoke into my heart:


After a miscarriage, I felt God spoke these words to my heart,

"Most people view a miscarriage as a loss-- a victory for the enemy because he stole a life. That is not the perspective I want you to have.

I want you to see it as a privilege to have made and carried this baby for my eternal purposes which you know nothing about. I wanted a Fowler child but chose not to take one of yours that you already know so well. You will share eternity with this baby but I didn't need him/her in this world.

You gave me permission to give you whatever children I want for My glory and My purposes. You have understood all of your children to be gifts from Me - only lent to you for a time.  Only I can decide how long or short to grace your earthly life with each child. Remember, My purposes and plans are always eternal. You are limited to an earthly perspective.

Do not be cast down, but rejoice, and take joy in the child I've shared with you. You may call him/her 'Angel'."


I will not blog for some time.
With love


  1. So sorry to hear about your baby... Even though God is in control, I know it hurts. Keep strong.

  2. Liewe Linnie, ek dink aan jou en bid vir jou. Ek bid vir genesing van die seer en ek bid dat God Sy beskermende hand oor jou en jou gesin sal hou. Baie liefde en drukkies.

  3. Linnie,
    Ek dink so baie aan jou... Wonder oor baie dinge ook. Maar die enigste troos in Lewe en Dood, en dit weet ons almal...

    Maar of dit is wat jy nou wil hoor...?

    Sterkte en seën in sy Vrede en Liefde.

  4. So sorry to hear about your baby. I am praying for God to hold you and your family during this time. God will walk with you in this valley.

  5. Ek bid vir jou vir vrede en krag en vir jou pragtige gesin ook. Ons kan bly wees in die wete dat hierdie baba veilig in Jesus se arms vir jou wag.

  6. Very sorry to hear of your loss...I've been following your blog for about a year now but never commenting before. I'd like to share with you a small excerpt from the book "How to bring your children to Christ" by Ray Comfort. In the foreword there is some words by his friend Mark Waters (after losing his daughter): "I can live the rest of my life here on earth without my precious Delaney, and I can bear it. She's well taken care of. In fact I'll never have a single worry about her again. She's in heaven; that's a done deal and not even Satan can take that away. What I can't bear is the thought of spending eternity without any one of my children."
    I hope this brings you some comfort, our family will be keeping you and your family in our prayers.

  7. I will lift you and the family up to God in prayer. May He fill you with His peace. Lots of love. Larraine Gray

  8. Linnie I just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you and your family have been to me. I also have been following your blog for a while and just needed to let you know that prayers are being said for you on the other side of the world.

    God said he will never leave us nor forsake us, so hang onto that promise.


  9. Dear Linnie
    This just breaks my heart. I'm so sorry. Little precious baby in joy with Jesus. May God comfort you and strengthen and reveal His purposes to you daily as you trust Him. So much love! Karyn

  10. Thank you for sharing the comfort you are finding in your faith as you grieve the loss of your tiny baby. I have also appreciated your other recent blog posts. Thank you for your heart to encourage other women. You are a blessing.
