
16 May 2011

A Memory Making Morning with My Little Ones!

While I was busy nursing Michael on Sunday night, I felt a desire to just have a fun day with my little children!  It’s been a while since we went out with only their interests at heart, so I decided to take them to watch the animals and play at Stodels.  Josua is the fun guy in the house, so I took him with and to have an extra pair of hands.  CJ and Heidi-Mari stayed home to study and had lunch ready when I arrived home with hungry, tired little people.

Watching the Koi fish

Josua taking Michael for a horse ride

David is my son who absolutely loves animals.  His biggest desire is to have his own baby chick!  He told me if I only take him to a place where there are little chicks, he will catch one himself!

Andrew and Danika at the duck pool

David and Andrew with the goats

Is Andrew trying to catch a chicken for his brother, David?

After watching the animals, they played at the jungle gym and had so much fun!

David, Andrew and Daniel, my three Musketeers!

Danika, having fun between her brothers!

I’m convinced that I’m loving my children more with every new baby!  When I look at these precious little faces, love is overflowing my heart and I want to seize the moment in time!

My precious baby Michael! I adore this blue-eyed boy of mine!

We certainly need to do this more often!
They definitely enjoyed the outing. This was what I found when getting home, after I dropped CJ at the horse farm.

Little David, fast asleep on the couch!
Love you lots my little ones!

With Love

"A book of remembrance was written before Him"
Mal. 3:16


  1. Dis so waar, Linnie. Wens jy het nader gewoon, dan kon jy hulle gereeld uitgebring het plaas toe! :)

  2. So sweet Linnie - I love the comment from David that if you'll just take him to a place where there are chicks, he'll catch one himself :) Tugs at a mother's heart. So precious! love, Karyn

  3. Dit is so kosbaar! En hulle word so gou groot. Ek dink tuisskool maak my net liewer en liewer vir my kinders ook.Hoe minder selfsug in ons is hoe meer liefde het ons om te gee en hoe meer ervaar ons dit!
