
01 May 2011

Prayer and Support for Crawford, Lee and Boyd families after Tornado

On Wednesday night a tornado blew through Alabama in America and ripped apart the homes of exemplary, faithful, Christian families, who now even in their loss are responding with faith and confidence in the Lord. 
Some of you may know Kelly Crawford of Generation Cedar with her 9 children, the youngest only 3 weeks old.  Their home was completely destroyed, destroying all of their earthly possessions, including all of their vehicles and all of Aaron's construction tools which is his source of livelihood.
The Lee family had an even bigger loss, when the Dad, Tom Lee died heroically protecting his family as their home collapsed around them. In God's Mercy his wife and thirteen children survived after many hours of being trapped under rubble. Daughters Tiffany and Emily are in the hospital and suffered potentially severe nerve damage. Their insurance does not cover these medical bills, their father is dead, and their home and possessions are gone.
Gary and Jane Boyd and their nine children survived without injury but their home was severely damaged by trees falling on it. Their home was the rendezvous point for the Lee and Crawford families in the hours following the tornado since it was the only one left standing.
These are families that desperately need your prayers, continuing support and donations. Currently, there are more than a hundred people physically assisting them on the ground. But they need the funds to begin the process of rebuilding. In some cases, with only the clothes on their backs, they will be starting over and need cash for shoes, food, temporary housing, immediate medical bills and basic needs.
Will you please prayerfully consider financial help to these families.  Our family, as well as our children are going too.  Our children don’t receive monthly allowances, but do receive money now and then during birthdays, when they babysit, look after someone’s property or be the odd stunt rider for a movie.  They are going to give out of these savings.  What an excellent opportunity to teach them an open hand for the work of the Lord!  Will you do the same?

Peter Bradrick has set up a website called Help Hurting Families in Alabama who took the time to create these videos and are also accepting donations for these families above. You may visit their site to give a helping hand to these families.

With love
"For as the the body is one and has many members,
but all the members of that one body, being many are one body,
so also is Christ.
...And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it;..."
1 Cor. 12:12;26a

1 comment:

  1. My hart gaan uit na hierdie families! Ons bid saam vir hulle.
