
02 October 2011

The Blood Group Diet and Recipes

As a family we eat according to our Blood group.  Christo analysis the live blood samples of clients in his health shop through a dark field microscope daily.  When he consults his clients, one of the most revolutionary pieces of information he is able to show his clients is the correlation between their diet and the appearance of there blood cells under the dark field microscope.  You can immediately see when a client follows his blood group diet and when not!  
The testimonies of people who start to follow their blood group diet is amazing! The improvements in people is vast, ranging from more energy, better sleep, weight loss, less mood swings, better cognitive clarity to common things like sinus and eczema that disappears. Christo has seen more serious conditions like arthritis, diabetes and even psoriasis disappear when people follow the Blood Type Diet by Dr. Peter D’Adamo.
When clients eat whatever they want, the blood often end up looking like the pictures below, unhealthy, clumping together and in the long term can lead to disease.

But when they start following the blood type diet, the picture improves to a healthy looking sample as below.

I know the majority of my blog readers are Christians, and Dr. Peter D'Adamo is an Evolutionist and he has a philosophy around the Blood group diet’s origin. Some Christians don’t want to follow the Blood group diet, because of this.
Let's think about this.  We human beings need love.  There isn’t one person I know or ever read about who don’t flourish on love, any kind of love. And Jesus also commanded us to love each other, as He loved us (John 15). We also know every person has a specific love language, a favorite way of communicating love and when they receive love in that specific way, they feel more loved. There are wonderful books written by well respective Christians about the Love Language concept.  But what if this concept was at first observed by a Non-Christian, would that make the concept unacceptable for Christians? Sadly it could... Would it change the truth that we communicate love in a certain, favourite way?  I don’t think so.
It my opinion it is the same with the Blood type diet.  We all need food, right?  And in the short run all food will prevent us from dying of hunger.  But every person has a preference for certain foods, that correlates with his/her blood type. The fact that an Evolutionist observed the correlation, does that make it false?  His philosophy of evolution is totally wrong.  But that doesn’t change the truth, especially since their is scientific proof of the health benefits of this type of diet, as shown above and in many other scientific studies.  
God decided in His wisdom to create people with certain characteristics.  Certain colour eyes, hair, skin type, why not with a specific blood group too and a preference for certain food to make the body work optimal and stay healthy, just as people have a preference for a certain kind of love. That is even more evidence for a Creationist that God created us, and we didn’t evolved out of a blob of goo!

Get more of your Questions about the Blood group diet, answered by Christo here, at his blog Natural Medicine Talk. 
Since the Lord graciously ordained our whole family of ten to be O blood group, we have meat three times a day!  We buy all our meat (organic), as well as our chicken (organic) from the Boesmanland, once a month.  To have a ready-to-dish-up Bolognese sauce in the fridge saved me numerous times.  I share with you my Bolognese sauce, from James Peterson’s Meat book. 
Over at Heidi-Mari’s blog the Fortnightly Baking Fun Challenge is Italian Food. 

The prize with this Fortnightly Baking Fun Challenge is: 
Food Lovers' 
Pasta Recipe Book!

I would like to use the Bolognese sauce and enter one of my children’s favourite pasta recipes, Lasagna.

Bolognese Sauce
This famous Sauce we make with organic mince we get from the Boesmanland, here in South Africa.  We use it for multiple kinds of meals, not only in our lasagna, but also on pasta, on our home made pizza, in Shepard’s pie, or just on a sandwich for lunch. It also freeze very well, and often help me out on crazy evenings.
The secret to this sauce is the first step of sweating the vegetables and caramelizing the natural ‘juices’ of the meat, before adding the tomatoes)
1 kg organic mince
3 tablespoons butter or olive oil
1 carrot, peeled and chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable chutney
10ml non-irritating curry powder
¾ cup dry white wine (I often use a rosé too, when I don’t have a dry white)
½ tube organic tomato paste 
1 tin canned organic tomato
½ cup organic heavy cream
15ml salt (or to taste)
fresh ground pepper (to taste)
In a heavy pot, heat the butter or olive oil over medium heat.  Add the onion and carrot and sweat the vegetables, stirring often, for about 10 minutes, or until they have softened.

Add the chutney and curry, and stir another 2 minutes.
Add the mince and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes, or until the meat begins to brown. (The meat will release liquid, 

which must be boiled down until it caramelizes on the bottom of the pan)

Add the wine, tomato paste, canned tomatoes, cream, salt and pepper and stir well.

Simmer gently, uncovered, for about 1½ hours, or until the meat yields when pressed with the back of a fork.  

If the sauce begins to get too thick before the flavors have married and the meat is tender, add water, a little at a time as needed to thin to a good consistency.
Fresh Egg Pasta Noodles
You can make pasta dough by combining the ingredients together by hand, but it is easier to mix it in a food processor.  The number of eggs you will need can vary - the more gluten in the flour, the more eggs you will need - so you must learn to recognize when the dough has the right amount of egg.  It should feel just moist to the touch but not sticky!  If it is too wet, it will stick to the rolling pin or in the pasta machine when you begin to roll it out.  If this happens, you can flour it as you roll it and it will absorb some of the flour reducing the stickiness.
Makes about 2 ½ pounds dough, enough for 8 first course servings or 6 main course servings (I only made ½ the amount for our family of 10)
6 Free range extra large eggs
4 cups all-purpose flour or 5 cups organic spelt flour (spelt contains less gluten than all purpose flour)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
To make the dough in a food processor (I use my Kenwood), make it in two batches to avoid straining the processor. 
Process 3 eggs with 2 cups of flour and 1 tablespoon of oil and repeat with the remaining ingredients.
Process until the dough forms a ragged mass around the sides of the processor.  If the dough doesn’t come together in a loosely cohesive mass, add another egg yolk (save the white) and process a little longer.  If it still doesn’t come together, add the egg white.  
Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and knead a few times with the heel of your hand until the dough comes together in a cohesive mass.
To make the dough by hand, mound the flour on a work surface, make a well in the center, and add the eggs and the oil to the well.  Lightly break up the eggs with your fingers, and then gradually pull the flour into the well.
Work the ingredients together with one hand until the dough comes together in a cohesive mass. 
Or, you can use this same method, but form the well of flour in a large bowl, rather than on a work surface.  If the dough remains crumbly, add an extra egg yolk, and then the white if necessary.  If the dough sticks to your hands, add a handful of flour.  
Knead the dough, one third at a time on the widest setting of your pasta maker, repeating until the dough is perfectly smooth and has the texture of suede.

When you are ready to roll out the dough, roll it once again through the widest setting, adjust the knob to the the next narrower setting, and roll the dough through again. 
Continue in this way, setting the machine to the next narrower setting each time, until you reach the narrowest or the second-to-narrowest setting.  
If the dough becomes long and unwieldy, cut it in half to make it easier to roll.
The dough should be thin enough for light to pass through it. 
Use the sheets for making ravioli, lasagna, or hand-cut ribbon width noodles or to run through the machine for machine-cut ribbon-width noodles.
Making the Lasagna!
Dough for fresh Egg Pasta Noodles
Mozzarella, sliced
Bolognese Sauce
Make the pasta and cut into lasagna-width noodles.
Butter a baking dish with high sides (a roasting pan also works well).
Put the first layer of lasagna noodles in the dish.

Layer the bolognese sauce and mozzarella on the first layer.

Repeat a second and third layer of lasagna noodles, bolognese sauce and mozzarella.
Finish the lasagna with a layer of sauce and a generous sprinkling of Parmigiano (I didn’t have and just put another layer of mozzarella on top)
Bake in a 180 degrees C oven, until you see the lasagna bubbling, about 1 hour.
Let cool for at least 15 minutes before serving or better yet, let cool completely so the layers settle and become easier to portion out, and then reheat to serve.

Bon appetite!


  1. You are REALLY blessed to all be the same blood type. I'm an A and my husband an O. I really struggle to stay on my blood type diet. The longest so far was 8 weeks. When eating according to my blood type, my IBS dissappears, so I know it is working for me. WhenI'm stressed I revert back to my old eating habits. Can your husband determine one's secretor status at his shop?

  2. wow! ek het nogal die ander dag gesit en wonder hoe jy moet kook vir verskillende bloedgroepe! Ek is O en Chris is A... en hou niks van rooivleis nie en hy is MAL daaroor... so ons het so paar probleme met die hele storie... Maar ek gaanmos nou Saterdag my lactose en gluten intolerance laat toets... dan sal ek na dit mooi dink oor hoe ons in die vervolg gaan eet. My ma'le het nou begin met die blood group diet, so ek hoop dit werk vir hulle. My arme pa sukkel maar omdat hy O is, en my ma se hy mag nie melk nie, en nie koffie nie... shame... maar darem kry hy steak!

  3. Hi Yolanda
    Have you tried Cook Right 4 Your Blood Type?
    Currently the secretor status can only be tested in the USA - therefore the best (for now) is to assume that you are a secretor. 80% of the population are secretors.
    I hope this helps.

  4. Hallo Lizanne,
    Kan ek maar my opinie lig? (Ek is mos maar so :-)) Ek sou nie geld mors op intoleransie toetse nie, kan jou reeds sê, as dit akkuraat toets is jy in elk geval gluten en glutose intolerant. Na 10 jaar in die gesondheisdwêreld (buiten nou dat ek in die rigting opgelei ook is) en 'n paar duisend kliënte is almal gluten en glukose intolerant. Sou liewer die geld spandeer op 'n 'Live Blood Analysis" toets - jy gaan baie meer daaruit leer oor wat in jou liggaam aangaan.
    Maar... dit is net my aanbeveling.

  5. Dankie vir daardie tip Linnie :) Ek sal bietjie met my man gesels. Ek stem nogal met jou saam... Ek weet ek is laktose intolerant... sal maar sien wat hy se. Ek dink ek moet maar begin kyk na gluten free... maar dis net so vreeslik duur, dieselfde eintlik met bloed groep dieet.. want ons eet werklik nie so baie vleis nie. Maar op die ou einde is dit seker beter omdat mens gesonder is... so minder mediese kostes... ai dis darem 'n sirkel.

  6. Lizanne, ek moet myself net korrigeer, jy hoef nie gluten vry te gaan nie, koring vry gaan vir 'n begin genoeg wees en is nie so duur nie. Daar is min mense wat 'n ware gluten allergie het. Daar is groot verwarring tussen gluten vry en koring vry. Oor die algemeen is dit meestal 'n koring sensitiwiteit, bloot a.g.v. die genetiese verandering van die koring om dit meer vatbaar te maak teen siektes en beter opbrengs te gee in Suid Afrika, maar dit het veroorsaak dat die liggaam nie weet wat om met die ekstra gene, wat begevoeg is, te maak nie en dit veroorsaak die sensitiwiteit, wat presenteer in opgeblasenheid, sinus, migraines, lugweginfeksies en so meer.
    Jy kan vir 'n begin net alle koring (nie net brood nie, maar ook ontbytgrane) vervang met rys. En vir afwisseling is spelt 'n uitstekende graan. Ons verkoop dit in groot maat, wat dit goedkoper maak as by ander gesondheidswinkels - al is dit steeds duurder, omdat dit ingevoer moet word van Europa.

  7. Hi Linnie. We used to follow the blood group diet when we were two(newlywed)now we are five & between the lot of us we have all four blood groups!just thinking about cooking like that &figuring out what we all have in common makes me tired, but I feel inspired to at least try :o). I enjoy reading your blog!

  8. Wow, Ellen, that must be a real challenge! Would make me tired too. Just try to stay away from most avoid foods. As long as it is either neutral or beneficiary food, you do great!
