
06 May 2012

Hello Mornings Challenge open for Registration!

The Hello Mornings Summer (No Winter) Challenge is open for registration! For South African's and ladies in the Southern Hemisphere it will be Winter!

With the Spring (No Fall) Hello Mornings Challenge 40 ladies reacted on my challenge “No more sloppy mornings”.  We joined together in two closed facebook groups and true life changed took place. In one of the groups two ladies succeeded to wake up early for 13 weeks every morning, to spend time with the Lord, before their children woke up. Isn’t that wonderful to know it is possible
Just imagine the truth and grace which manifested in the homes, of all the Mothers who started their days at the feet of Jesus.  
But it isn’t easy to replace old habits with new ones.  It takes time, for sure not only 28 days, as many of you have noticed.  Many of the ladies realized that during this past challenge, being their first, their biggest challenge was to simply get up earlier. Many experienced extra trails and hardships, while doing the challenge and contrary to what was expected it got harder and not easier as the challenge proceeded. In many of the homes the children all of a sudden started to wake up earlier, while Mom was still trying to! May I share a secret with you: “That was exactly what I experienced with my first challenge in September 2011.”  The focus of the challenge for me was just to get in the habit of getting to bed earlier to be able to rise earlier in the morning, before my children for 3-4 of the 7 mornings. For some weeks I strived only to rise early every other morning, but as my hunger for the peaceful mornings with the Lord increased, I had motivation to rise early more faithfully.
So, if you are feeling discouraged with what you achieved with your first Hello Morning Challenge, please take courage - You are perfectly on track!  

So much so, that the Hello Mornings Team have decided to give you a choice on three different tracks with the Fall (No Spring) Challenge August 8 to November 16th 2012. The first track will be to rise early and spend time with the Lord. Track two will be to rise early, spend time with the Lord and add planning. If you choose the third track it will be to add exercise to rising early and spending time with the Lord, all before the children wake up. But more on that later this year.
Let’s discuss the Challenge on hand. 

The Summer (No Winter) Challenge from May 14 till July 8th. I believe most of you who did the first challenge, tasted the sweet fruit of spending time of the Lord first thing in the morning, so why not jump into the next challenge and let us help each other to fine tune this life giving habit?
I know many of you feel you tried so hard with little or no success, and I want to share with you a precious piece of wisdom shared by Kat Orr, Tuesday night during the live chat party. How often will you be able to pick up a heavy chair by merely trying to pick it up? If you are all by yourself you most probably will not be able to, if the chair is beyond hour ability.  But you need to move it, right? What will you do?  Will you just leave it, or will you try to get some help, even have a slight change in plan to make it possible to move it or work around the fact that you cannot move it. You will DO something about it!
Let’s view our challenge to TRY and wake up early FOR our children in the same light.  We seldom will achieve something by just trying. Failure is much more guaranteed, by mere trying, but if you make a decision to make it happen, no matter what, you can do it. 

There are at least three things you can DO to achieve that:
  1. Call in help;
  2. Get a new plan
  3. Come up with a new goal/focus
So dear ladies, which of these above changes do you need to work on to accomplish your goal to fine tune your life giving habit of rising early and spending time with the Lord; even doing some planning and exercise, depending on your capacity and expectations, before your children rise/need you in the morning? We are here to help you!
There were also ladies who just didn’t see any way they could join our challenge in December last year. Maybe your circumstances have changed, maybe you are in desperate need of encouragement and wisdom from the Lord. You sense the gentle prompting of the Spirit to link up with us for this Summer (No Winter) Hello Mornings Challenge.

There is a slight difference in this challenge from the previous challenge.  
  1. In the previous challenge you could either be added to a group by the Hello Mornings team, or choose a Pre-planned group and join a group of whom you already knew.  With this challenge there will be no grouping option. Your are welcome to stay in the group you are currently in, or form new groups. We would love for you to find friends in your area, and/or your stage of life to create a group.
  2. There will still be the weekly challenge e-mails, so be sure to sign up!
  3. We will be studying 1 Corinthians 13, Love Like Him, using the Focused15 study method, by Katie Orr. This Bible study will be available from tomorrow, Monday 7th of May. (You are welcome to join the challenge and study whatever you like. This is use for anyone looking for something to study!) I absolutely love Katie's Bible study method, maybe you would love it too!

For the South African ladies we already have two groups, an Afrikaans group and an English group. Why don’t you join us in one of these two groups?  To do so, you register at the Hello Mornings Registration Page and e-mail me.  Please don’t comment on this posting, e-mail me. That way I can have contact details to get in touch with you.
So come dear ladies let us double the previous group of ladies. I know there are some of you who probably need a group from South Africa, or know a friend who need this accountability and encouragement to make early rising in the Word of God happen.  Let us spread the word!
Registration close on the 14th of May, you have only one week left.  
With much love

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