
20 August 2009

Making Memories on CJ's 15th Birthday!

CJ’s 15th Birthday was a Memory Making Day. I’m realizing celebrating his birthday, as we know it now, will soon change. In three to four years from now, he will be a young man and birthdays will yet again take another form of celebration.

Monday morning CJ went with dad to his shop. At 11h30 I picked them up and we went to the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront in the Cape to celebrate his birthday at the Hildebrand Restaurant. We remembered CJ falling, at 3years of age, in front of the Restaurant, while we were drinking a cool drink, and broke his arm! But the Hildebrand Restaurant is such an excellent Italian Restaurant; we went back despite the accident, for years after that. We have never felt bloated after a meal at The Hildebrand and their service is the best we know in the Peninsula. Some of their waiters have been working there for over 35 years!

What a special time we had together. Relaxing and enjoying each others company, talking about special moments over the past 15years.

CJ could chose whatever he wanted from the menu and he ordered Calamari rings for a starter and a half portion seafood platter for the main meal. The reason he chose these dishes are because we, as a family, don't eat any shell fish. We eat only fish covered with scales. Since this was a very special occasion and he loves seafood, we made an exception. We believe the Bible is right when it forbidden the Israelites to eat shell fish (for health reasons – not spiritual reasons). They are the ‘vacuum cleaners’ of the ocean and therefore are not the best to consume.

Since CJ ordered such an extravagant main meal, our very competent waiter, Tony, asked if it was a special occasion for CJ. After hearing it was his 15th birthday, he congratulated CJ with his birthday. Tony Yates is such a gentleman.

When it was time for desert, CJ received two deserts. The one he ordered and another desert with a sparkle and the waiters sang Happy Birthday CJ! He enjoyed that a lot – my CJ is a real sweet tooth and always asked me to bake him some cookies!

After our delicious meal we took a little walk around the Waterfront. But it was freezing cold and we made it short!

CJ and Dad with the Clock Tower in the back ground.

We even saw a “real” pirate ship coming into the harbor!

This was such a special time together. Thank you Lord for granting us such memory making moments!

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