
17 August 2009

CJ's 15th Birthday!

Today, the 17th of August, my firstborn is 15 years old. I can still remember the day before he was born. I was 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My husband’s bible study group was supposed to start a new bible study book that week and since I had nothing else to do, than waiting for this baby to be born, I offered to go into town to fetch the books from the Christian book shop. As I was driving home that afternoon, my tummy big and very uncomfortable behind the steering of my small red Volkswagen, I promised myself that I will not getting behind the steering of my car again, before this baby was born. That evening the women’s bible study was at our place and as one of my friends walked through the door, she gave me one look and said, "you’re going to have a baby tonight!" Just like that. Every one within hearing distance stopped their conversations looked at her, asking her how she could tell? She said it is easy, just by looking how big Linnie’s nose is, she could tell!!

Well, at two the next morning, my waters broke and CJ was born after a very long labor at 17h30 that evening.

He was a healthy 3.4 kg baby boy and according to the grandparents on both sides (who became grandparents for the first time) he lifted his head an hour after he was born.

Since that day, near every due date I secretly, try to “measure” the size of my nose, but after having given birth to seven babies, I can still not see the bigger nose!

The most outstanding moment of becoming a mother was when the hospital nurse (CJ was born before I knew of home births and water births, I didn’t even know it is possible to give birth with a midwife!) brought my newborn baby for his first feeding, around 22h00. I remember looking at this tiny little baby, whom I knew, but still I didn’t know him at all, and his big dark eyes looking back at me, listening to my voice, trying to figure out from where he knew me! It was just one of those moments in time you never forget.

Over the years I remember so many firsts! There were so many joys, and just as many moments of tears. Growing into motherhood is hard! There are so many opportunities for mistakes. And over the years one thing I’m sure of is: “God use children to make mothers His perfect brides-to-be for the Day of His return.”

Before I had children, and even after two children I couldn’t quite understand the verse in 1 Tim 2:15 “Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.”

Wow! I am now starting to understand this verse. I believe there is no career in the world, which can teach woman faith, love, holiness and self-control like motherhood! Motherhood constantly asks self sacrifice, it keeps you on your knees and oh my, the most challenging one for me – self-control. So I praise the Lord for this beautiful son of mine who came and opened my womb fifteen years ago and led the way for more to come. He led the way in so many ways and I therefore believe God’s grace is so much more on the firstborn, since a mother still needs to learn so much, while raising her firstborn.

I’ve already written a few times on how God will not let your children miss the callings on their lives. CJ is now only 15 years old and we can’t say for sure what God’s calling is on his live, although we have a pretty good idea, but we do know he has a gifting in working with horses. Yesterday, as I was looking through his baby album, I found the very first picture of CJ on a small pony just before his first birthday. It was the birthday party of a friend and Christo took the picture.

On Saturday he took part in a Show Jumping Event in Stellenbosch. He jumped the 80cm and 90cm competition classes.

Both times he got first prize!

How could I ever have dreamt my tiny baby would win show jumping competitions at the age of 15?

Well done my son and happy birthday! May the Lord use us and many more Godly people to teach you and instruct you in His ways. We love you lots!


  1. Linnie,jy het n pragtige seun!Jy mag maar gerus trots wees op hom! Dit wat jy se is so waar- om die ma en die vrou te wees wat God wil he ons moet wees kom met baie harde werk en opoffering. Vir my het dit beslis ook nie maklik gekom nie, maar met baie trane en baie gebed,en hoe meer ek leer om nie selfsugtig te wees nie,hoe makliker word dit.Wat n wonderlike Heiland het ons nie!

  2. CJ - Veels geluk - ek dink jy gaan 'n pragtige jong man word, iemand op wie Vader geweldig trots gaan wees.
    Linnie, jy noem Nancy 'n rolmodel, soms wens ek ek het jou moed om jou geloof daadwerklik uit te leef, te midde van teenslae en storms staande te bly. Ek is so geneig om te val. Jy is my rolmodel (ja, ek weet, maar steeds....)
    Ek sal weldra weer skryf.
    Groete aan almal, en sterkte met die lyfie.

  3. Dankie Sonja, prys die Here vir sy getrouheid!

    Liewe Marelize, so lekker om van jou te hoor! Die Vader het my op 'n plek gebring waar ek nie anders kan as om te midde van teenslae en storms voort te beur. Met al die kennis wat Hy tot op hede aan my geopenbaar het, hoe kan ek my getroue Vader teen geen en nie doen wat Hy vra? En ek word gemotiveer met belonings. Ek weet daar wag 'n groot belonging, en dit is baie keer die finale om my te laat deurdruk in 'n moeilike toets.
    Ja, met die lyfie gaan dit goed, begin nou so nou-en-dan beweging voel en dis so kosbaar.
