
04 September 2009

Chicken Mayonnaise Pancakes or Cinnamon and Honey Pancakes with Lemon?

Since we had a rainy spring day and could not celebrate spring in the sunshine, we decided to bake pancakes!

CJ volunteered to bake them, a bargain for me, taking into account that we have to mix at least 2 ½ liter of dough for this family of nine! I only needed to supervise the baking process.

CJ reminded me so much of my dad. My dad never used an egg lifter to turn pancakes, he always flipped them. CJ tried once and it landed perfectly in the pan, from there on he also didn’t use an egg lifter…

Heidi-Mari prepared some chicken mayonnaise and made us the most delicious chicken mayonnaise pancakes for lunch.

For desert we had cinnamon honey pancakes with lemon to add extra zest!

Little Daniel having a ball watching the hustle and bustle in the kitchen!

and having more than his share of pancakes!

Our Foolproof Pancake Recipe

325 ml (1 1/3 cup) spelt flour or 250 ml (1 cup) plain flour
1 t baking powder
¼ t salt
1 free range egg
1 ¾ cup water
1 T lemon juice
¼ cup olive oil

Mix dry ingredients in large mixing bowl.
Beat the egg, water, lemon juice and olive oil together.
Mix in the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth.
Put a little olive oil in pancake pan and heat for the first pancake.
You should be able to bake the rest of the pancakes without oiling the pan again.



  1. We also did not enjoy a beautiful spring day, an extremely blustery day (Pooh Bear language for very windy)! mmmmm...Thanks for the recipe, will put it to the test soon.

  2. Dit lyk sommer feestelik! En kyk net hoe goed kan CJ pannekoek bak!! Met so n oulike assistent wat vulsels maak kan dit net n treffer wees!
