
07 September 2009

God Watered my New Rose Garden!

This weekend we planted my new roses. I had the fun part of putting it in the ground, but Christo and CJ had the hard time of digging holes, carrying heavy bags of horse manure and mixing it with the clay soil and peanut shells. My Grandma believed that when a woman is pregnant, she has VERY green fingers and anything she touches will grow beautifully, something with the pregnant-growth-hormones. I always find wise, old woman’s believes and remedies interesting. So when I am pregnant I’m always present when something is planted.

It was such a fun day, the little ones playing around and every one having a great time. I’ve prayed for good weather and it looked like a sunny day, until about half an hour after we started. Dark clouds moved in during the morning and we were even afraid that it would start to rain at one stage. But there was no rain, and we could finish the job. As we cleaned up the garden, the sun came out again and shined for the rest of the afternoon. It was only then that we realized, if it wasn’t for the clouds, Christo and CJ would have really suffered in the sun. At about eight O’clock last night it started to rain and hasn’t stopped since. God, Himself send rain for my new roses! I can just imagine what beautiful flowers I can expect with all the good stuff we’ve worked into the ground and the God-sent rain. All that great nutrition that enters the ground right now! Wow!

Christo and CJ start digging the holes.

The clay soil we had to work with.

The holes ready for the roses!

On the left the peanut shells and on the right the mixture of clay soil, peanut shells and horse manure.

CJ helping me to carefully take off the plastic cover from the rose.

Christo pouring the manure-peanut shell-soil mixture into the holes, while CJ and I hold the rose up.

You can see the pleasure on my face! As a young girl I always loved to play in the mud…

And got my hands really dirty! I haven’t changed since childhood!

Daniel and me watering our newly planted roses.

Christo covering the rose bed with horse manure.

A job well done!

My rose garden this morning in the rain.

We not only planted roses. Every one was on some mission:

Josua and I covering a bed in front our dining room window with horse manure.

Christo showing Danika how to weed the grass.

My two little boys playing in an imagination world of their own.

Daniel doing some reading on shrubs in the garden. He absolutely loves books.

Heidi-Mari was the photographer who took all these beautiful photos.

Thank you, Lord, for the rain and thank you, for my family!


  1. Ai,Linnie,ek is net so lief vir die tuin en om met plante te werk!Dit was nou so lekker om julle daar in die tuin te sien. Ons is ook nou gedurig besig om in die tuin te werk en goed te plant.

  2. Die groentetuin gogga het my nou ook gebyt. Ek sal nog skryf daaroor... Lente en nuwe groei (binne en buite my!) is nou letterlik in my bloed.
    Hoop jy speel ook heerlik in die grond!

  3. Ja, ai ons krap ook kop om die groentetuin aan die gang te sit. Maar ons wil 'n groter huurplek kry, dus moet groente saam kan trek! Die weer raak darem nou lekker vir buite leef.

  4. Hi Petra,
    lieflike, wolklose, sonskyn dag hier in die Kaap! Jy kan jou sekerlik nog die Kaap voorstel nadat alles skoon gewas is. Ek wil net buite wees en in die grond speel. Maar ek is volstoom 'Mom's taxi' vanoggend. Heidi moet ballet konsert gaan oefen by Durbanville laerskool en CJ neem naweek deel aan sy eerste 'graded show jumping event' (verskoon ek weet nie wat is die afrikaans) en hy moet sy 'dressage test' gaan oefen. Sal bid dat die sonskyn tog rukkie hou, voor ons nog laaste bietjie reën vir die reënseisoen kry - dan kan ons more buite speel.
    Jy is seker al op pad bed toe - lekker slaap!

  5. Hallo Linnie
    Ek het vandag die pakkie ontvang! Met die posdiens wat so stadig is a.g.v die stakings glo ek julle het gemeen dit sou lankal hier gewees het!Dit was n baie groot verassing,baie baie dankie.

  6. Liewe Sonja
    Ek is sooo bly jul het dit gekry! Dit is lekker om te hoor die kinders vind dit ook interessant. Mag dit vir jul tot groot seën wees. Lekker naweek hou!
