
20 August 2010

Born with a Purpose!

On the 17th of August 1994 a little boy, CJ Lues, was born. 

By the grace of God he was born naturally and not by caesarian. When thinking back, with the knowledge I have now, I can hardly believe that his birth didn’t end in a caesarian!  But it was meant to be. This tiny baby opening my womb for so many to come after him.
He was a strong little baby, he nursed like a pro and introduced me to the world of motherhood, in a delightful way. 

Then at 15 months the calling on his live began, but I didn’t know that then (my vocabulary didn’t include a Godly calling) and we only experienced the pain and hardship at the time.

He was due for his 15 months vaccination.  A few weeks before his vaccination we decided to move to Cape Town.  Christo was already in Cape Town to start our new business and CJ and I stayed to sell our house. I took into account how sick CJ became after vaccinations and the fact that I would be without any support in a new City, I decided to give him his vaccination at the familiar clinic in Bloemfontein. This meant that my mother and mother-in-law could help me take care of my sick baby the 48 hours after the shot.

But this time CJ didn’t recover after 48 hours, he only become weaker and weaker.  After a few days of trying to keep his fever down and feeding my restless, coughing baby, I visit the family pediatrician.  He immediately admit CJ to hospital.He feared that CJ may have meningitis and gave orders to get me out of the room and my baby ready for a lumper puncture.  I will never forget my anxiety, my mother-in-law holding me to prevent me from rushing into the examining room, grabbing my babyand run away!  His cries were more than I could handle as a young 25 year old mother, with my husband a 1000km away!  That night my mother-in-law and I slept next to his bed and the next day I took him home.  There was ‘nothing’ wrong with my baby. The pediatrician diagnosed him with “longing for his dad”. We immediately made arrangements for the two of us to move down to my husband,  leaving our house in the hands of the estate agent. God was so good, the weekend we left Bloemfontein our house sold.
In the Cape, our baby son didn’t recover as expected!  For months I visited the spacious  luxurious consultation rooms of one irritated, impatient pediatrician after another, complaining they could not examine a baby who started crying the minute he enter a doctors room. What would you expect from a little boy whose first encounter with a pediatrician was a lumber puncture without his mother, since she was forbidden to hold him.  I left every pediatric visit with a prescription for antibiotics and NO explanation of why my baby had  tonsillitis every two weeks and a chronic cough. 

Finally a pediatrician suggested allergy tests. This time it was me who needed to hold down my little boy on a hospital bed, while they pricked countless wholes in his back ‘testing‘ him for allergies.  I was to  stupid to know that you cannot do accurate allergy tests on a child younger than 5 years old! For days I had to wait for the results and when the pediatrician eventually called, he  informed me that the tests didn’t show anything. What he said next, literally crashed my spirit.  He said that he cannot do anything for my son, I need to find out by myself what was wrong!!
I looked at my 18month old son, who just finished another 3day course of antibiotics a week ago and realized I need Godly intervention or my son was going to die in front of my eyes! The rest of the day I prayed! The next day as I  entered the centre in which my husband had his men’s gift shop at that stage, when my attention was drawn to the health shop I passed every time I paid my husband a visit.  I just knew God sent me. Before I could stop myself, I walked into the health shop and asked for the name of a homeopath. Shocked with my own actions, I walked out of the health shop with the business card of a local homeopath.
At home, I walked straight to the telephone and fell in the chair next to it.  For what felt like hours I just stared at the business card. My husband and I grew up in very conservative religious homes and consulting a homeopath was totally foreign for me. But I was desperate. I just had to try the Homeopath as a last option.
The very friendly health shop assistant informed me that the homeopath  was very busy and I would most probably not be able to get an appointment in the next month. I could not wait that long, CJ’s cough was already getting worse.  So I prayed and asked God, since I was not very comfortable with the idea of a homeopath due to my’
ignorance, I would know He approved if I could get an appointment before the end of the week - it was Wednesday.  Then I made the call.  You can imagine the overwhelming joy when the receptionist inform me: “ They just got a cancellation for Friday...”
The first appointment was such an eye-opener.  My homeopath immediately won my confidence and over the next 6 months he changed our lives.  He diagnosed CJ with chronic whooping cough and started boosting his immune system and treating his condition. 

Over a period of 6 months he also gradually took us off yeast, sugar and diary products.  Still it took CJ 2 years to totally recover from his 15 month against whooping cough vaccination. 

As a bonus Christo got rid of his sinusitis and lost about 10 kg.  I had two miscarriages during this time, our homeopath treated me for candida and since 1997 I hadn’t had candida or a miscarriage!
In the meantime we got crucified by our conservative church and family for being involved in homeopathy and its evil roots.  Christo being an electronic engineer, understanding electronics and fault finding, studied homeopathy over a period of two years. During this time God amazingly guided us and even gave us a prophesy of teaching and healing His people.
When CJ turned 6years old, we closed the doors of our men’s gift shop and started our health shop.  Over the past ten years, thousands of people’s lives have been changed, improved and saved thanks to our experience with CJ.
Thanks to CJ not one of his siblings received any vaccinations.

Thanks to CJ we can teach parents about the health risks in giving vaccinations, such as autism. If we finished CJ’s vaccinations and gave him the 18month MMR shot, CJ would definitely have been autistic.
Thanks to CJ we’re not using any modern medicine with all its terrible side effects.
Thanks to CJ we totally changed our life style and daily give our family the priceless gift of health.
The little boy who has turned 16 a couple of days ago, were used by God with a purpose, when he was only a few months old.  

Today he is a young man, with a God given life stretching out before him.

He knows there is a calling on his life, he knows his purpose is to give glory to God in everything and he knows he will need to make some sacrifices to walk in his purpose, but he doesn’t hesitate one-second. This is why he was created by His Creator.
Today we are still periodically questioned for using homeopathic medicine, but over the years we got anchored in God and His guidance in our life.  I trust Him for wisdom and knowledge. I can still not understand that something with “evil roots” could save my babies life and have an abundant harvest!  In my Bible I don’t read anything about testing something by its roots, only by its fruit! 
On Tuesday it was evident again that the Hand of the Lord is on my son’s life.  A year ago he won the 27th round of Apologia Science Question.  He could choose his prize and received a rocket set, he needed to build the rockets himself before he could launch it. 

Over the past year we just couldn’t find a suitable, safe place to launch the rockets.  Two months ago he started horse riding lessons on a farm 15 km outside Durbanville.  The owner gave him permission to launch the rockets on his farm, which fulfilled all the safety criteria. 

It was so much fun.
Heidi-Mari and I also baked him a cake of his choice out of our Baking book - Strawberry Bavarian Cream Cake.  

We enjoyed every minute assembling this cake. 

For breakfast we surprised him with muesli and yoghurt (which we never have for breakfast - diary is a No-No in our home) and fresh homemade croissants!  

The evening Christo and I, took CJ and Josua (who is turning 10 next Tuesday) out for supper.  Heidi-Mari took excellent care of her three brothers and sister at home.The boys had pizza and lamb shank and strawberry milkshakes.  

After getting back home we watched a boy movie ‘Brave Heart’ (we need the boys to close their eyes for some scenes, but the courage and integrity of William Wallace is what we want our sons to have) and only got to bed 01h00. 

It was truly a memory making day - Thank you Lord!  

Thank you CJ for being such a blessing to us, may God Bless you and guide you in the calling on your life! Love you lots!
With love


  1. CJ Veels Geluk...
    Linnie, Baie dankie dat jy hierdie roeping wat Vader op jou hart geplaas het so wonderbaarlik uitleef. Ons ander wat deel in die vrug daarvan is uiters bevoorreg.


  2. Dankie Linnie. CJ baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag.
    Linnie, hoe beskerm mens dan jou kind teen siektes, veral as ons Mosambiek toe gaan. Simeon het al sy inspuitings behalwe 5/6 jaar gekry. Joshua het net die by geboorte gekry. Die res het ek nie gedoen nie.
    Al die inligting van verskillende kante af maak mens deurmekaar.

  3. Esther
    Waarteen spesifiek wil jy hulle beskerm wanneer jul Mosambiek toe gaan, want daar is natuurlike middels vir bv. malaria, met geen van die newe effekte wat die malaria-medikasie het nie.
    En ja dit is 'n deurmekaar plek om te wees, daarom dat mens moet besluit wie vertrou jy en dan daarby hou. Vir my is daar altyd die Bybelse riglyn - wat is die vrugte van die rigting wat ek vertrou?

  4. Yes, I'm catching up on some reading! Thanx Linnie for an inspirational piece and a true reminder to look at the fruit and not the roots. I have also just recently found a homeopath and although her methods are somewhat strange to me still, I have made excellent progress and seen excellent results.

  5. Ek worstel tans met die MMR wat Elijah oor 2 maande moet kry. Sy peetpa se ma is die suster by wie ons hom inspuit, en sy se daar is niks bewys tussen MMR en autisme nie. Ek sukkel regtig met die hele idee, en ek is ook bang dat as ons op n stadium ons kinders moet skool toe stuur dat ons 'n probleem gaan he. Wat is die alternatief vir MMR?

  6. Lizanne, daar is nie werklik 'n alternatief nie. Jy kies dit of nie. Jy kan 'n homeopatiese inent kry, maar dit is ook nie te sê dit gaan deur 'n skool aanvaar word nie. Dit is (nog nie) 'n wet in SA dat jy die inent MOET kry nie, huidiglik is dit jou keuse, skole mag jou egter weier, net omdat dit hul leuse is. Maar dan kies jy 'n ander skool.
    Dit is egter nie die kern van die probleem nie. Jy moet met die inligting tot jou beskiking 'n besluit maak en dan, maak nie saak wat die gevolge (met of sonder die inent) saam leef. Jy kan nie 'n besluit neem net "omdat jy bang is" nie. Vrees is nie van die Here nie. Jy moet in jou hart oortuig wees wat is God se plan vir jul lewe en omdat dit Sy plan is vir jul lewe, sal Hy jul beskerm en daarom kan jy die plan uitvoer.
    Hoop dit help.
