
15 August 2010

A Blog Award!

Last week I got two unexpected blog surprises!

Firstly, Heidi-Mari (my Daughter) who has a crafting blog since December last year, received a blog award.

She has to pass it on to 5 other blogs and she honoured me with the Award!
What a special gift from my daughter: The “Cherry on Top Award” for Back to Ancient Ways!
Those individuals receiving this award, are asked to do 5 things:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award

Dear Heidi-Mari, it is a real honour for me to receive a blog award from my own daughter!  If it wasn’t for you and your siblings I wouldn’t have a blog like the one I have - you make it all possible for me to keep this blog going with real life testimonies!
Thank you so much, I love you lots and lots!

2. Copy the award and put it on your blog

3. List three things which you love about yourself
  1. I love being the person God made me, with my specific personality, my gifts and talents, my strengths and weaknesses.  
  2. I love being my husband’s helpmeet, created with the purpose to fill a need.
  3. I love being the mother of my precious 8 children (hoping for more), they challenge me every day with their specific personalities and needs.

4. Post a picture you love

My whole family together on Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa.
CJ (16yrs); Danika (7yrs); Andrew (5yrs); Heidi-Mari (13yrs); Michael (6months); Daniel (2yrs), Christo (my husband for 19yrs); Josua (10yrs); David (3 1/2yrs)
It was such a beautiful, blessed, sunshine winter’s day - totally unexpected for our winter rainfall region.
There was a special for the cable car trip up the mountain - two children free per parent.  Children under 5yrs don’t pay.  Our whole family of 10 went up the mountain and only Christo and I needed to pay.  God is so Good - He always provide for this family and then He even spoil us - just because He can and it brings Him Joy and Honour!
5. Tag 5 people you'd like to give this award to

Marelize is one of my blog friends I just love to meet in person (and God willing we will meet at the end of the year, when they visit Cape Town!) Marelize is a Home Schooling Mother of 4 children and they live on a farm in South Africa.
Marelize thank you for becoming a special, sweet friend, love you lots!
Sonja from ‘n Sagtelandingsplek

Sonja is another blog friend I would love to meet in person and I’m still praying for that to happen.
Sonja is a Home Schooling Mother of 4 children and her youngest was autistic, but through hours of prayer, lots and lots of reading, lifestyle changes, and that is only what I know of, she turned around her little boys life forever!
Sonja I’m so proud to know you and love you lots!
Sally from I Take Joy

Seven years ago I read the first book by Sally Clarkson - Mission of Motherhood.  As a result of reading Mission of Motherhood (over a holiday) I started an encouraging group for mothers and eventually started my blog.
Over the years I’ve read Ministry of Motherhood and Educating the Whole Hearted Child and got inspired and encouraged through these books.
Sally your blog, I Take Joy, continually challenge and inspire me!
Thank you so much!
Kelly from Generation Cedar

The thing I mostly value from Kelly’s blog, Generation Cedar, is her courage to speak the Truth and nothing but the truth!  
Every time she place a blog posting I want o shout YES! 
Thank you Kelly for not being ashamed to speak the truth and be such an inspiration for me and many, many women in the blog world!
Ladyofvirtue from Large Family Mothering

Ladyofvirtue is the mother of 15 Children and I admire her so much!
She is a true inspiration and when she gives practical advice in raising and home schooling her beautiful children, I know I can take it to heart.
Thank you so much for keeping your blog and be a roll model to me and many other women in these deceiving times.
This was so much fun!!
With love


  1. Congratulations Heidi-Marie and Linnie!

  2. Good morning my Friend
    (although it is still night with us, and I'm suppose to be in bed long ago!)
    Thank you!
    Have a blessed day!
    Lots of love

  3. Baie dankie liewe vriendin dat jy aan my gedink het!As daar egter iemand is wat n blog award verdien is dit jy!x
