
11 August 2010

The Good-Bye Kiss at the Door

I recently read this poem in the TEACH magazine (by Lorrie Flem) while my husband was out of town for a few days.  This poem was extra special because of what happened the morning he left.
The day he left he forgot his coat at home. I only discovered it about half an hour after he left and anxiously called him - it is winter in South Africa and he must have his coat. Fortunately he was still in town and just leaving his health shop. He would quickly come to fetch it and asked me to meet him outside to give it to him. Minutes later I heard him stop and quickly went outside with his coat (all the children tailing behind me to give daddy a last goodbye). And there my husband stood with a bunch of flowers! He took his coat, gave me a last kiss goodbye, got in the car and left!

Every moment while he was away, I missed him, but then I looked at the flowers, remember his sweet good-bye kiss, experienced a well of joy in my heart. I had new strength to keep going and most of all looked forward to his hello kiss.  

Dear wife, may this poem inspire you to make every good-bye to your husband (no matter how long he will be away), extra special!
The Good-Bye Kiss at the Door
Author unknown
Her eyes were illumed with a glance of her pride
And her heart with love aglow,
As she softly tripped to her husband's side
When he opened the door to go.
And there in her morning wrapper trim,
While a smile her red lips wore,
She stood on the steps and gave to him
A good-bye kiss at the door.
She turns to her duties with cheerful heart,
For she has not now to learn
That the wife and husband must often part
When the daily bread's to earn;
And there's peace and joy in her gentle breast
As she sews, or sweeps the floor,
And every task is essayed with zest
For the good-bye kiss at the door.
And the husband, striving in life's rough race,
Where there's little time for play,
Has many a glimpse of her smiling face
In his mind through the busy day;
And his look is tender, his eyes are bright
As he cons his ledger o'er,
For he thinks of the welcome that waits at night,
And the good-bye kiss at the door.
O, wives and husbands, the world is bright
When the heart with love doth glow,
And its path is smooth and its burden light
If you're willing to make them so;
And the sun will show through the darkest day,
And scatter the clouds that lower,
And the roses blossom along life's way
For the good-bye kiss at the door. 

With love


  1. Dear mommy,
    Please go and take a look at my blog. I did a posting and I think you will like it!!
    Thank you for being such a special mother.
    Love you Lots

  2. En ek koester dit elke dag. Dit is vir my 'n gemis as hy by die deur uitdraf, haastig oppad en nie tyd het vir 'n omkyk en 'n vinnige drukkie nie.

    Maar 'n wonderlike voorreg wat ek het, dat sy werk en sy huis een is. Dat hy gou-gou kan huis toe kom om koffie te drink, of 'n draai te loop, 'n oproep te maak of 'n ou tydskrif te soek, gou iets op die internet wil kom kyk of vir die arbeid lugtyd te kom koop. En om elke keer 'n heerlike druk en 'n tatta-soentjie te kan kry.

    Ek is geseënd, bederf, bevoorreg

  3. Ja, ons kry ook daardie oggende wat dinge bietjie vinnig gebeur en dan hier is nog 8 ander mondjies wat ook wil soentjies he - dan stoei ons, om ons beurt te kry!
    Jy is waarlik bevoorreg om manlief so naby te he en onverwagse inloere. As my ander helfte hier uitstap, sien ons eers weer 8ure later - ek kan inloer by die winkel, wanneer ek in die dorp is, maar dan is hy ook meestal in konsultasie.
    Ai, tyd is soms te min om ons liefde te wys!

  4. Ai dit is so kosbaar!Ons is bevoorreg om in gesinne te wees waar ons liefde ontvang en naby ons kinders mag wees. Kyk net die pragtige briefie wat Heidi-Mari vir haar Mamma skryf! Dit is n pragtige gedig,Linnie!
