
26 January 2011

Nelba's Questions Answered

Here is the first set of questions asked with my posting Free to Ask

1.   Do you find that your previous career stand you in good stead in your current career as mom and helpmeet? 
Definitely as helpmeet.  Since Christo is now in the Health business and Dietitians is one of his biggest opposers as far as natural medicine is concerned, he has much more credibility when he tells his clients, he is married to a dietitian and she got it all wrong and admits it herself. After being the mother of colic babies and allergic children for 16 years - I know this to be true!  

As a mom it helped a lot that while I was studying for 4 years I had 2 years of cooking classes and learned some basics in baking and cooking techniques. For that reason I’m giving Heidi-Mari the baking and cooking lessons.
2.   Can you remember when you first heard about homeschooling and what your gut feel about it was?
Christo asked me to homeschool CJ since he was 4 years old, but I just laughed at him, thinking it is totally ridiculous. I just didn’t take him seriously!  He just kept on praying. Then we went on a Walk Thru the Bible training and within 24 hours I met 3 ladies who home schooled their children. 

I immediately knew God was up to something...
3.   Have you read The Shack and what do you think about it?
No I haven’t read it.  I read a few articles about it in the early-early days just after it was published and immediately my spirit wasn’t comfortable with the story. 

I learned early in my life I must listen when I’m feeling uncomfortable and decided not to read the book.  About a year later a friend gave me the book as present, but I still couldn’t read it.  Another friend asked if he could borrow it and I didn’t see it again.
4.   What stands out from your memories of your childhood?
My dad’s compassion for me.  I grew up on a farm, my dad was a part time farmer and worked full time at the South African Railways.  Twice my dogs got hurt so badly, they would not have been able to live a decent life even if they did recover.  I could call my dad at work and he would leave everything and rush home to me and my dog.  Then he would send me off with my bicycle and he would relieve my dog from it’s misery.  When I came back he would be ready to cuddle me and buy me a new dog.

My dad and I would watch popular series on TV together into the late hours of the night. I would sit on his lap the whole evening and when there were scary scenes, he would cover my eyes with his big hand.   
Years later, after I got married, I had two miscarriages after CJ.  We lived in Cape Town and my parents were still living in Bloemfontein.  Our homeopath suggest Ozone treatment for 3 weeks, but it wasn’t advisable for me to drive after an Ozone treatment. Christo couldn’t leave his retail shop during the day to drive me to the treatments.  We called my dad and he came to stay with us for the whole 3 weeks, to drive me to my treatments, even though it was the middle of a very wet winter in the Cape and my dad hated cold, wet winters!
5.   Brothers/sisters?
I was the only child for 5 years, then my sister came along.  She was colic and my mother didn’t cope well.  Although my dad badly wanted a son, my mother refused.

It was during the early years of the contraceptive pill.  Women were now in control of their fertility!  I guess that is where I got my first bad encounter with the contraceptive pill - it deprived me of a brother!
6.   As a child, what was your role in the family structure? E.g. were you the peacemaker or the clown or the responsible one?
I was the eldest and that automatically came with the responsibility tag and the expectations to meet high standards.    
7.   What is your favourite way of relaxing?
Laying on the coach, with my children messaging my feet, messaging my head and rubbing my back!
8.   Do you have a relatively strict routine within your family or do you take things as they come?
I believe routines make a child feel safe and secure and life easier on mom. Late meals result in grumpy children.  A nice warm Epson salt bath after a long day of playing hard, make little once sleep like babies!

  But I can be a little over controlling!  Luckily I have a husband who do believe in balance and once in a while put dirty little ones in bed, to give me a break!
9.   Your favourite verse from Scripture? Why?
Rom 8:28  “And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those” who are the called according to His purpose.” 
This verse in Chapter 8 follow after Chapter 7 who says: “For I know that in me (that is in my flesh) nothing good dwell; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.”
I’m a sinner, I mess up so easily and often don’t know what is the best thing to do in a situation, but I do know God will work it out for good, for those who love Him.  I only need to trust Him.
10.   Does one colour dominate amongst your clothes or do you wear them all? 
Oh yes! I’m fond of red, for me as well as my little boys!
Thank you for asking Nelba!
With love

1 comment:

  1. Baie dankie vir jou antwoorde. En die lieflike foto's daarby! Dit was nou sommer 'n kreatiewe manier van antwoord. God het ons almal so uniek gemaak ten spyte van ons ooreenkomste. En tog so eenders ten spyte van ons verskille.
