
04 February 2011

Sonja's Questions Answered

Here is Sonja's questions, asked with my posting Free to Ask. 

1Linnie, if you, like Solomon could choose something very special, what would it be?
I would have chosen wisdom in raising my children and help them through difficult times and choices as they grow older.  Even though there are brilliant websites and blogs, books and teachings from Godly women in raising children, every family’s dynamics are different, mothers are at different levels of maturity, have different virtues and vices. Then there is the husband’s way of seeing things too, it is sooooo complicated and never easy!  Every day is a challenge!  
Currently I need the power of Jesus in my home! I need wisdom to know how to increase Jesus’ power and how not ‘quench’ the Spirit and ‘loose the Power of Jesus in my daily walk with my precious children.
2. If you could choose a talent, what would you choose?
I would choose to be able to play any piece of music on the piano!  
I just love the piano, but don’t have the time or patience to practice.
3. When you think of raising your children, what is the most important value you want to build into their lives?
Obedience to the Word of God, no matter the costs. 
4.  If you were granted the privilege to make a new law for our country and to abolish an old law, what would it be?
I would change the law on abortions.
5.  Where is the most beautiful place on earth for you and if you could choose, where would you like to live?
Fifteen years ago Christo moved me to the most beautiful part of the world - Cape Town. There is no other place I would rather like to be than in Cape Town.  No place compares to a Cape, rainy, winter’s evening, snuggled up in front of the fireplace with the love of my life, while all the children are sound asleep. 
I fell in love with Table Mountain and the Cape when I was 12years old. I grew up on a farm in Bloemfontein.  Apart form Bloemfontein, I didn’t know any other place than Margate, where we went to for our annual vacations.  During that time, our school organized a tour to the Cape.  I didn’t even dream of asking my parents, they were very protective.  My mother was a teacher at the same school I went to for the first 8 years of my school career (not good - but that is a story for another day) and one of the teachers convinced my mother to send me with.  She borrow the money from my grandpa and off I went to Cape Town for 2 weeks.  I was the youngest in the group, but all the children were fond of my mother and promised her they would take good care of me as the ‘baby’ in the group.  It was an amazing two weeks, I missed my parents a lot, but for two weeks I could actually do as I liked, without being afraid I’ll do something that would disappoint my mother or cause her shame.  (My mother had VERY high expectations of me, expectations I often couldn’t ‘meet).  For weeks after we came back, I would start my sentences with: “When we were in the Cape...” 
When Christo and I got married, he refused to tell me where we would have our honeymoon, only that I would need summer cloths (we got married in Autumn). He agreed to tell me where we were going, first thing after we got married, IF I was on time at the church (he did give me a 3 minute margin)!  That got me motivated to not let him wait in front of the altar, but I didn’t take into account the amount of traffic 09h15 on a Saturday morning.  All the cars slowed down the moment they saw the wedding car, to get a glimpse of the bride and we got stuck at a very busy intersection!  
At the end I was 7 minutes late and my dear bridegroom refused to tell me where we were going.  Only after our reception I managed to convince him to leak the secret to me and he told me we’re off to Cape Town for our honeymoon!  
I was ‘over the moon’!   
I just love Cape Town, the mountains, the wine lands, the weather (although the summers is becoming hotter every year).
6.  What is your most favourite pass time?
Having a coffee date once a week with my husband! 
7.  If you could hope for one dream to come true for you personally, what would it be?
To tour Europe with my husband and children, the little ones a little older, but the older ones still at home! 
Walking through little towns, visiting old castles and historical places, enjoying the beauty of the mountains! That is almost an impossible dream, but we can dream, can’t we?
Thank you for asking, Sonja!
With love

1 comment:

  1. Dankie Linnie,dit was lekker om jou antwoorde te lees!
