
06 July 2011

Three, Two, One, Ignition!

I haven’t had time to blog about Andrew’s birthday, yet! Andrew turned six the day after Danika’s eight birthday. 

He wanted a Space Shuttle cake, but after thinking it through we settled for a Rocket cake!  
The past six years has been a challenge to juggle two birthdays in one week!  This year was no exception.  

I couldn’t imagine pulling off another children's party like the previous year’s “UP” party.  Heidi-Mari and I did some brain storming and decided on only a siblings party at Jimmy’s Jungle, and what a blessed day it was!  

I think it was the most relaxed children’s birthday for me and joyful birthday for the children! 

It was the first time ever that we had a birthday party away from home!

A birthday party away from home, never appealed to us, since we would have no control over the kind of sweets and crisps in the party packs at Party Venues.  But this year, Heidi-Mari and I prayed and then went to see the Manager at Jimmy Jungle Tygervalley Centre to ask her if it would be possible that we as a family can have our party there. We wanted to bring the cake and party packs ourselves. 

She was so accommodating and granted our request!
The night before Andrew’s birthday was Danika’s birthday and the first time she had a dinner evening with Mom and Dad.  Since it is Heidi-Mari’s birthday only 4 weeks later, she joined us for Danika’s dinner evening.  

So that evening after a relaxing dinner out, I had to gear myself into Creative-Mode and started decorating the Rocket cake as by the birthday boy’s specifications and expectations!  

Lucky for me, CJ, Heidi-Mari and Josua is fond of decorating-the-birthday-cake-late-nights and they supported me all the way, giving creative ideas, into the middle of the night!

The cake with the special 'Rocket Card' Heidi-Mari made.

By 23h30 the cake was finished and we could go to bed!
The next day was a true Cape rainy, cold winter’s day!  But we didn’t mind, this time.  

The biggest challenge of the day was transporting the rocket cake to the ”launch pad”, which fell on CJ and me!  

But we reached the venue without any damage to the rocket and it was all systems go for launch.

At the party venue there were only two other families for the first hour and nobody else the last hour and the children had a ball. 

Even CJ (16years) and Heidi-Mari (13years) joined in the fun!  Crawling through tunnels, playing hide and seek and entertaining the little ones.  

It was such a blessing to see my children ages 16years to 16months, playing together.  

I sat back, watched them, enjoyed them and put away memory making moments, to remember one day when they are all grown up, with their own blessings.

At the end of the day, Andrew told me it was the best party he ever had (he do told me that every year, though) and I was thankful that his expectation was met.

He is growing into such a beautiful young boy!  

Oh, he has a terrible short fuse, but also a very small heart and can be so quick to repent and tell me he will never, ever listen to Satan again... My poor boy is already experiencing the battle between the spirit who is willing, and the flesh that is weak!

He is courageous and enduring, just as the meaning of his name indicate and he is already walking in Ps. 27:1 
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  
Happy birthday dear Andrew, we love you lots and lots. 
Thank you, Lord Jesus! 

"That our sons may be as plants 
grown up in their youth;"
Ps 144:12a


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time - happy birthday Little Man and may God bless your next year,

  2. I'm really impressed by the creativity of your cake! Well done!
