
30 June 2011

Blogging In Between...

I absolutely love blogging!  It is now almost 2 1/2 years since I did my first blog posting!    At the beginning of this year the Lord worked deep in my heart and released me from dependance on comments and follower numbers.  I’m blogging for Jesus!

But how do I balance blogging with marriage, children, homeschooling, being a Christian and Mother?

I stumbled upon "Blogging In Between..." and found it so inspiring. It made me evaluate my motives of blogging and the time I spend blogging in between, yet again!

Please click on the links below for "Blogging In Between..." wisdom:

June @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home - Blogging To Advance The Kingdom Of God
Jessica @ Muthering Heights - Blogging In Between Marriage
Jasmine @ Far Above Rubies - Blogging as A Mother
Jaime @ Like A Bubbling Brook - Blogging as A Christian
Amy @ Raising Arrows - Blogging In Between Homeschooling
Caroline @ The Modest Mom - Blogging as A Business
I hope you find it inspiring too!

With love
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, 
or whatever you do, 
do all to the glory of God."
1 Cor 10:31

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