
05 November 2011

Roller Coasters, A Give-Away Winner & A Sweet Reward!

To my shame, I’m way overdue with this posting.  Please forgive me!!
October was a roller coaster month. 
That is apart from the fact that I was on a real roller coaster too! For the first time in my life I rode the Cobra, though it was the 3rd time I paid a visit to Ratanga Junction in Cape Town. Both the previous times, I was over 28 weeks pregnant!  Me, a Fun-Girl, enjoyed it tremendously!  But it was quite a challenge to juggle the children.

The older children wanted to have the most out of their rides; 

The little ones need to get their share of fun;

Then to figure out how Christo and I could have one or two rides together.  
The main ride was the Cobra.  Heidi-Mari and Josua could hardly contain their excitement. There was a queue of at least 20 minutes and CJ, Heidi-Mari and Josua also wanted to ride, but what about Danika, Andrew, David, Daniel and little Michael?  Leaving the little ones with the big ones, while Christo and I went for our ride and then keeping the little ones with us again, while the older ones fell in the queue for their ride, would take us at least an hour and it was already noon.  Besides, Heidi-Mari wanted to go for a second time, this time with me!  So we all fell in the queue, the little ones with Christo and me, yes, we did get a few strange looks, and the older ones about 5 minutes behind us.  As we were nearing the end of the line, I took the little ones to the older ones. They would keep them with them, while we went for our ride. When I got off the roller coaster I would ask the personnel if I could fetch my little ones from their older siblings.  
Everything went according to plan and as Christo and I were on the landing, waiting to get on the ride, I asked the one very friendly personnel if he would just keep an eye on my children, who have their young siblings with them, about two rides behind us. On hearing how many children I have (LOL), he was so accommodating and immediately called all our children out of the line, (causing quite a stir among the people) and let them stand on the landing, while promising me he would take care of them.  How cool is that!?  As Christo and I got off the Cobra, me with wobbling legs, he escorted me through the people and helped me gathering my little ones. Since CJ, Heidi-Mari and Josua were waiting with their siblings in front, Heidi-Mari and Josua got the bonus of getting the front row seats on the Cobra! 

Wow, did they enjoy that, although an extra dose of panic was added!
The first ride was quite a shock for my system, I thought it would never end!  But with the second ride I could actually open my eyes and enjoy the ride!!
But to come back to my overdue posting.  Here, I did a review on the Visionary Womanhood Gathering e-book, with a give away, kindly sponsored by Natalie Klejwa from Visionary Womanhood.  
I’m proud to announce Mignon as the winner. Congratulations! Mignon, I’ll send you an e-mail shortly, to give you instructions on how to claim your Visionary Womanhood Gathering e-book.  
In September two very special Christian Girls honored me with a sweet award, the Bloggers For Christ Award.
Dear Kelly-Anne from Beautiful Girlhood and my own Heidi-Mari from Heidi’s Crafts.  It just warms my heart when I look at these two beautiful girls, who put Christ first in their lives, bringing Him glory daily by creatively making use of their special talents, serving their Mothers and family with a joyful attitude and still make time to nurture their special friendship!  
Kelly-Anne and Heidi-Mari, I’m so proud to know you and love you lots and lots!!  I can’t wait to see what God has in stall for the two of you!
The object of this particular award is to award bloggers who believe in Jesus Christ and write freely about Him and His glory on their blogs and encourage others. The requirements for this award are to:
1: Explain three things that have encouraged you on your walk of faith, like a particular verse in the Bible or a prayer, book or someone who has really touched your life. It must be a certain moment, whether in church, a retreat, etc.
2: Pass this award onto three other Godly bloggers.
The verse / couple of verses, that encouraged me the most in my walk of faith is Psalm 37.  With the dawn of the 1st of January 1998 the Lord gave me Psalm 37 during a time of recommitting my life to God.  Little did I know that the following years would be challenging, evil would try to oppose us in our new walk with God and ungodly people, as well as fellow Christians would disappoint us in more than one way.  Through those years as well as today I hold on to Psalm 37 and the Lord at least once a month prompt me to re-read it and so encourage me to press on!
Two ministries changed my live for good: Walk Through the Bible with the teachings of Dr. Bruce Wilkinson;
Above Rubies and the teachings of Nancy Campbell. 

God used Walk Through the Bible during the period 1999 till 2003 and amazingly Above Rubies ministries entered my life in 2004.  The truths I’ve learned through the Walk Through the Bible courses (Biblical Portrait of a Marriage, The Three Chairs, The Foundations of Faith, The Testing of your Faith, The Prayer of Jabez, Secrets of the Vine, A Life God Rewards) laid a foundation in my spiritual life, that changed my walk with God forever, resulting in a journey of becoming a true Disciple of God.  Amazing, how the truths taught by Nancy Campbell from Above Rubies, built on the truths we’ve learned with Walk Through the Bible, in the following years.  Above Rubies, renewed my mind on Motherhood, in a way I could never have imagined.  Through Above Rubies I’ve came to know my value of being created in God’s image and given the freedom to serve the Lord right here in my home, with my talents, gifts and strengths, becoming everything God wants me to be.  

I never again felt the need to make excuses that I’m just a Mother, but knowing it is the Most Important Career in the Universe!

Except for the Bible, the book that touched my life the most and encouraged me in my walk as a woman is, Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl.  

I read this book for the first time in 2007.  At that stage I had six children, four of them between thirteen and four years old, a toddler who just turned two, a baby of 10 months old and my marriage took much strain. This book renewed my mind and changed my attitude towards my husband, forever. I still mess up big time in being the wife God created me to be for Christo, and God periodically reminds me through Created to be His Helpmeet that being a godly wife, following the instructions in His word, is His perfect will for my live, no matter what the World would want to make women to believe!
Pass on this Reward.
I’ve recently got introduced to some very inspiring ‘new’ (for me) blogs.  
Thanks to Kat’s Hello Mornings I’m experiencing a new level in my walk with God.
Do not Depart by Katie

I’m currently doing Katie’s Fruit of the Spirit course Abiding Fruit. You can still download it here.
Visionary Womanhood administrated by Natalie Klejwa

I hope you enjoyed this Roller Coaster Posting!

With much love

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